Home Interior

Thursday August 25, 2011

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – A hallway in our apartment, captured with my Alpa TC and a 35mm Schneider XL lens.

August 25, 2011

On this day last year: wildebeest kill.

wildebeest kill
Landscape Urban

Wednesday August 24, 2011

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I took my Alpa Max and a light tripod to Central Park to shoot with my Schneider 120mm lens. The Max and the !20 were a delight to use. On reviewing the results the light tripod was a disappointment – in the future I’m going to need to use a serious tripod with this lens. I’m fighting a battle with myself to avoid an overly composed look when working on a tripod, and generally loosing. Here’s an example:

Belvedere Castle
Belvedere Castle

On this day one year ago: Sunset on the Maasai Mara. I actually just posted this – I had taken the picture but hadn’t posted it in the confusion of pulling the Africa materials together.

Icon Landscape Urban

Tuesday August 23, 2011

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – This afternoon I walked the Brooklyn Bridge from the Manhattan side. It was seriously crowded. I shot with my Alpa and the 72mm Schneider lens. Framing continues to be a challenge. Out of the 30 or 40 images I thought this was the best point of view, but it’s flawed because I didn’t recognize it at the time so I didn’t take the time to wait for the optimum moment in terms of the pedestrians. Near misses for me two days in a row. Here it is:

Brooklyn Bridge
Brooklyn Bridge

On this day last year: wildebeest migration. I had so many images that I did three posts for the day. Here’s a crocodile killing a zebra.

Zebra kill
Landscape Urban

Monday August 22, 2011

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – I walked to the office today with my Alpa and the 72mm Schneider Digitar. I’m experimenting to see if it’s possible to hand hold the camera with this lens. (Longer lenses are more demanding in terms of camera movement than shorter lenses.) The light was just ok. There’s a no name spec building at the Northwest corner of 57th street and Lexington Avenue. I played around with the plaza in front of it, and finally realized that the shot for the day was looking straight up. You’ll see that the framing would have been better if I had included the full circle on the sides of the frame. The Alpa finder is kind of approximate – based in this fairly disappointing experience I’ll be trying some of my Leica finders on the Alpa to see if I can get more accurate results.

Anyway . . .

Look up!
Look up!

On this day one year ago: Maasai village.

Maasai boys
Garden Landscape

Sunday August 21, 2011

WARREN CONNECTICUT – We had dinner at Ct, a nearby locavore restaurant. Taken with my Panasonic GH2.

Maria and Francesca
Maria and Francesca

On this day last year: Kenya gets intense.

An elephant gives us the full Monte
Garden Landscape

Saturday August 20, 2011

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Shade garden (primarily astilbe, vinca and hosta), taken with my Alpa and a 47mm Schneider Digitar XL.

On this day one year ago: Maria and Nancy do a bushwalk.

Maria and Nancy do a bush walk
Landscape Religion Small town

Friday August 19, 2011

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Back to photographing in the actual world (as opposed to taking pictures of cameras). There was a lovely, fleeting moment at sunrise in Connecticut to today when the first rays of the sun caught the ground fog. I grabbed my Alpa TC with the IQ 180 and Schneider 3mm XL attached and captured the moment.

Later in the morning I went to the town of Warren to experiment with my new 120mm lens, capturing the Warren Congregational Church from a slightly different angle.

Fog at sunrise
Fog at sunrise
Fog at sunrise
Fog at sunrise
Warren Congregational Church
Warren Congregational Church

On this day last year: The beginning of our safari in East Africa. One year ago things start getting really interesting for the next week or so. The Cliff Notes version of our safari is the top gallery on the right of this site.

Sunset Chyulu Hills
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