
Monday August 5, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Back in the saddle with my Leica Monochrom. I promise to write a post about why I mess around with other equipment. Later. When I get around to it. Next week. We’ll see. The Monchrom is my best friend.

I’ve decided to make time to walk where ever I happen to be going in Manhattan. Briskly. The theory is that this mode of transportation will relieve me of the need for other forms of exercise.

Today, while walking, I looked for abstractions with my Monochrom and 50mm Summicron Asph. lens. I’ve already posted a less effective color image of the first site below.

Park Avenue
Park Avenue
Park Avenue
Park Avenue

On this day last year: Fishers Island Ferry.

Fishers Island Ferry
Fishers Island Ferry

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