NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Francesca, my daughter, nagged me finally to see a doctor this morning. The mystery of why I’ve been feeling so poorly for so long has been solved! It’s Lyme disease! This is a tick-bourne disease that’s epidemic in Connecticut – it’s actually named after Old Lyme Connecticut, the first place that it was discovered. If not treated it has very serious long-term consequences, but in early stages it responds well to industrial-strength antibiotics. Symptoms are fever, lassitude, depression and a really gross rash. Anyway I started my meds today and will be fine.
I’m continuing my search for subjects close at hand that I can photograph when I’m sick. Today I shot a bookcase at home, filled mainly with books about photographers and photography, with my medium format rig. Here it is:
Home sick
On this day one year ago: Arathua Farm, a dairy farm (actually a dairy breeding stock farm) owned by our friends Tony and George. Great looking cow, huh.