Here’s in image from our garden in Warren, Connecticut:
WARREN, CONNECTICUT – I’ve grown up in a landscape tradition of photography, where, like paintings of landscape, everything is in focus. Edward Weston accomplished this by stopping his lenses down – shooting at f64 to compensate for the inherently narrow depth of field of his 8×10 inch medium. One of the threads that I’ve been pursuing on this blog is exploration of the out of focus portions of the image (for example in my September 5, 2010 posting). The quality of a lens’s out of focus image is referred to as “bokeh” or “bo-ke” which is the Japanese term for blur. One of the lenses in my Leica kit is 35mm Summicron version IV (made between 1979 and 1997) – a lens that it known as the “bokeh king.” Think of shooting with this lens as riding with the king. It’s probably my most used lens.