SILS MARIA AND SOGLIO SWITZERLAND – Well . . . we’ve saved the best for last. We took a short bus ride from Sils Maria down the valley to a trail head (we did this to make time for a more ambitious walk on the mountain) and walked to Solgio. Solgio is a hill town – it’s simply breathtaking. I’m using this post as mini gallery of the day’s walk (which was quite ambitious), rather than trying to edit, which is hopeless without a bit more distance on my part in terms of time a space. All images taken with my Leica M9 and various lenses:
Sils MariaSwiss Cheese on the HoofHydrant! Nothing is too much trouble for the SwissMaria: hiker girlWild flowers reduxGlacier runoffThe Engadine ValleyThe Engadine ValleySoglioSoglio