Garden Landscape

Saturday June 25, 2011

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Second day with my loaner Phase One IQ 180. Very high performance photo equipment is like a very high performance car – the photo equivalent of noise, vibration and harsh ride are part of the experience. This thing doesn’t auto anything, and getting the most out of it takes some work. I spent part of the day experimenting with shifting the back on my Alpa Max technical camera. Initial results are technically good but uninspiring as I focus on technique rather than seeing. Here’s our pool in Warren and the perennial border next to it with the IQ 180 on the Alpa Max and my 47mm Schneider Digitar.
Pool Warren Connecticut
Pool Warren Connecticut

On this day one year ago: Baptismal Iglesia de San Roque

Iglesia de San Roque

Baptismal Iglesia de San Roque

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