Landscape Small town

Saturday June 4, 2011

CORNWALL BRIDGE, CONNECTICUT – The bridge in Cornwall Bridge is actually a highway flyover. A few miles north in Cornwall there is a famous covered bridge. Anyway down under the flyover in Cornwall Bridge, near the Housatonic River, is a lovely wooden gothic church. I’ve photographed it before but never well. Many of the churches that I’ve photographed are in poor condition. St Bridget Church is beautifully maintained. There is a new addition to a long stone wall and an impeccably kept graveyard. I shot the church full frontal with my Alpa Max, Schneider 48mm Digitar and a Hasselblad 60 meg digital back, using the movements on the Max to control perspective.
St. Bridget Church, Cornwall Bridge Connecticut
St. Bridget Church, Cornwall Bridge Connecticut

On this day one year ago:In our dining room.

Andrew Moore and Murano Glass

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