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Friday October 8, 2010

the iconic Seagrams Building, with a very wide Voigtländer 12mm lens

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – In midtown for meetings. This was a good day for photography. The light was soft and encompassing – about 4:00PM is a great time of day to photograph Manhattan this time of year. I had enough good ideas that I had trouble selecting a single photograph. I initially posted a a new take on an old friend, the iconic Seagrams Building, with a very wide Voigtländer 12mm lens. After further review of the images I edited the post (on October 13) to include an additional image. I get feedback offline from a number of sources who help out as an informal editorial board (for example the Leica forum on
Seagrams Building

Here’s the second image captured with a Leica M9 and 54-year-old 50mm Dual Range Summicron (modified for M9).

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