Absolutely wonderful blog, best new one I could find in 2014. Caught my eye via the l-forum, because a good friend also uses his MM&2/50Apo extensively.
Big talent, extraordinary energy and dedication to be seen here make me write this: the MM “game changer” is imo something comparable to a Maoist-style cultural revolution, after having seen your color photography. I apologize for this overdrawn comparison, but this is my point of view, challenging your objections, that your pictures in color could risk to look like post-cards. Far from it.
You can convert old (wonderful) color shots of yours to b&w, but the files of the MM make the reverse impossible once and for all and this is a very sad loss, happening continuously every day, because most of your photographs look very good to me. So do your deliberate decisions in the past when you chose to post M9 or Hassi/S2 shots as monos.
As an I-pad viewer I’d welcome the access to your galleries, which require Flash. Without having seen your “recent color” this post here, I would like to make it clear, is meant as a big compliment. Good thing I could not punch in the date 9-09-09 – to see if you received your M9 on day one 🙂 Then I’d be poorer than after having enjoyed a wonderful time looking around.
Many thanks for it!
Herr Dr. Voigt – Many thanks for your thoughtful comments. The MM really does work for me better than any other digital camera that I have every had, and it does not bother me at all that conversion to color isn’t an option. By the way I’ll work on converting my galleries to a non-flash format – you point on viewing on an iPad is timely and helpful.
[…] this date last year: Lexington Avenue and 93rd Street. Ottomanelli Recent posts on related topics:Thursday December 3, 2009Friday December 4, […]
3 replies on “Thursday December 3, 2009”
Dear Sir,
Absolutely wonderful blog, best new one I could find in 2014. Caught my eye via the l-forum, because a good friend also uses his MM&2/50Apo extensively.
Big talent, extraordinary energy and dedication to be seen here make me write this: the MM “game changer” is imo something comparable to a Maoist-style cultural revolution, after having seen your color photography. I apologize for this overdrawn comparison, but this is my point of view, challenging your objections, that your pictures in color could risk to look like post-cards. Far from it.
You can convert old (wonderful) color shots of yours to b&w, but the files of the MM make the reverse impossible once and for all and this is a very sad loss, happening continuously every day, because most of your photographs look very good to me. So do your deliberate decisions in the past when you chose to post M9 or Hassi/S2 shots as monos.
As an I-pad viewer I’d welcome the access to your galleries, which require Flash. Without having seen your “recent color” this post here, I would like to make it clear, is meant as a big compliment. Good thing I could not punch in the date 9-09-09 – to see if you received your M9 on day one 🙂 Then I’d be poorer than after having enjoyed a wonderful time looking around.
Many thanks for it!
Herr Dr. Voigt – Many thanks for your thoughtful comments. The MM really does work for me better than any other digital camera that I have every had, and it does not bother me at all that conversion to color isn’t an option. By the way I’ll work on converting my galleries to a non-flash format – you point on viewing on an iPad is timely and helpful.
[…] this date last year: Lexington Avenue and 93rd Street. Ottomanelli Recent posts on related topics:Thursday December 3, 2009Friday December 4, […]