-Woody's Picks Landscape Small town

Saturday October 24, 2009

DRAIN, OREGON – We left the Oregon coast early, driving back up the Umpqua River.  The light was beautiful at about 10:00 so I stopped and photographed.  Another small town:  Drain, Oregon.  No kidding on the name.   Dale Allyn informed me that his dad was at one point the oldest living resident of Drain; that Drain, Oregon is the only town named Drain in North America; and that it’s named after Charles and Anna Drain, not the lowest point in a bathtub.

This is the Pacific Gateway Medical Clinic.

Drain, Oregon
Pacific Gateway Medical Clinic

Infrared Landscape Small town

Friday October 23, 2009

GOLD BEACH, OREGON – We spent October 23 here in Gold Beach, Oregon. The weather was terrible; the visibility on the beach was near zero. I spent a wet day in town taming infrared images of buildings.  This is part of a long-term project that i’m working on: small Western towns photographed in the shadow of Edward Weston; the use of infrared technique creates as sense of abstraction and other worldliness.

Curry County Courthouse, Gold Beach, Oregon
Curry County Courthouse, Gold Beach, Oregon


Thursday October 22, 2009

BANDON BEACH, OREGON – Once again on the beach at Bandon.  This time at sunrise.

Bandon Oregon sunrise
Bandon Oregon sunrise


Wednesday October 21, 2009

BANDON BEACH, OREGON – I’m in Oregon to take part in a workshop sponsored by Jack Flesher and Guy Mancuso of The overt purpose is to photograph the Oregon coast using Bandon and Gold Beach as bases. The real purpose is to catch up with good friends and eat and drink too much. The Oregon coast really is rugged, foggy and generally wet. This is low tide at Bandon Beach.

Bandon Beach at sunset
Bandon Beach at sunset

Landscape Travel

Tuesday October 20, 2009

UMPQUA HIGHWAY, OREGON – A travel day.  Lovely fading light found me in Oregon driving on the Umpqua Highway (which follows the Umpqua River from Drain to Reedsport). But the road had no shoulders and no turnouts so I drove for miles looking for a safe place to stop with a view across the river to something – caught with a long lens.  I don’t ordinarily shoot long lenses; I don’t care for the flattened perspective and I never seem to get much of interest from them.  This image was made with two overlapping frames stitched together on the computer.  Thus the square format.

Umpqua Road Oregon
Umpqua Road Oregon

Landscape Urban

Monday October 19, 2009

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – This is a poor day for photographing and for photographs.  New York is heavily overcast.  The light is heavy, without any charm or grace.  I’m rushing around to prepare for a trip to Oregon.  While walking on the Upper East Side I saw this precursor to Halloween.  It’s odd because the building is unoccupied; it has a number of building permits posted on it, as well as a stop work order.  Carpenters with a childish bent?

Halloween House

Interior Landscape Out my window Urban

Sunday October 18, 2009

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Sunday in the office getting ahead of an intense week.


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