Landscape Small town

Sunday January 10, 2010

MORRIS, CONNECTICUT – This is the old Town Hall of Morris Connecticut, a tiny town a few minutes drive from us.  This building now serves as the town’s Historical Society.

Morris CT Historical Society


Saturday January 9, 2010

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Clear and cold; wind-carved snow drifts.

Warren snow drifts

Landscape Out my window Urban

Friday January 8, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – After a light snow fall last night I spent the morning in Central Park.  The images were ok but nothing really noteworthy.  Back home the sun broke through briefly providing a lovely fog-filtered light.  So I shot out my window to capture it.

From 1185 Park Avenue

Food and wine Portrait

Thursday January 7, 2010

BROOKLYN NEW YORK – After a pizza dinner at Grimaldi’s on Old Fulton Street we drop by a new restaurant construction.

Construction Old Fulton Street

Icon Landscape Urban

Wednesday January 6, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK –  Here we are stalking the Empire State Building.  This fits into my ongoing project of photographing iconic places and things, trying to capture the surprise of coming upon them for the first time.  Click on Landscape Galleries on the right and then the “Manhattan I” gallery for more examples of stalking the Empire State and Chrysler buildings.

Empire State

Landscape Street Urban

Tuesday January 5, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Evidently some trees are so dangerous that they need to be caged.

Park Avenue

Landscape Street Urban

Monday January 4, 2010


919 Third Avenue

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