Food and wine Street

Monday August 16, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Starbucks, 87th Street and Lexington Avenue. Could be anywhere in the world.


Leica M9 and 35mm Summicron v. IV.


Sunday August 15, 2010

WARREN, CONNECTICUT – Woods near our house on a rainy Sunday afternoon.

Warren, Connecticut Woods

Nikon D700

Family and friends Recreation

Saturday August 14, 2010

WARREN, CONNECTICUT – Water skiing on Lake Waramaug.

Lake Waramaug

Panasonic GF1 with 20mm “pancake” lens.

Out my window

Friday August 13, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Here we are on a dull Friday the 13th. Spent most of the day organizing for Africa trip. Uninspired in terms of photography. This is out our window.

Out my window

Nikon D700


Thursday August 12, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Another dull day compounded by a light drizzle. This is waiting for Maria outside of the uptown, westside theatre where Bachelorette is playing.


Nikon D700

Family and friends Food and wine

Wednesday August 11, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK = I’m a little stale back in New York. It seems pedestrian compared to Brazil. I’m fighting a head cold. I don’t produce much in the way of photographs or anything else. We had dinner at Elio’s with some old friends.


Nikon D700.

Landscape Urban

Tuesday August 10, 2010

SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL – Our last day in Brazil. As far as I can tell most Brazilian (or at least Paulista) architects’ student projects were prisons. The drabness is enhanced by the diffuse yellow sunlight that reaches the street here. This is out of the window of our hotel, the Emiliana, in the Jardins district of Sâo Paulo. Link to the Emiliano.

This is nine images stitched.

From the Emiliano

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