
Monday August 2, 2010

TRANCOSO, BAHIA – We’re spending three days unwinding in this lovely little town south of Porto Seguro. It’s noted for its colonial square and lovely beaches. Here’s a link to Trancoso’s Wikipedia entry: Trancoso. Today we did the beach:

Beach at Trancoso

Leica M9 and 24mm Summilux lens. Three images stitched and perspective corrected in Photoshop.


Sunday August 1, 2010

SÃO PAULO BRAZIL – We checked into a hotel near the airport for six hours while we waited for our ongoing flight to Porto Seguro, as small coastal city 450 miles or so south of Salvador, Bahia. It is said to be the first place the the Portuguese set foot in the new world. Here’s a link: Porto Seguro. Here is a picture from the pool of the Hotel we spent our six hours in.

Ceasers Business Hotel

Leica M9 and 28mm Summicron lens.

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