The next installment in my 1999 24-houe self portrait project – this one from 12:08 AM on February 14, 1999. As always taken with an Arca Swiss 8×10 inch view camera.
The next installment in my 1999 24-houe self portrait project – this one from 12:08 AM on February 14, 1999. As always taken with an Arca Swiss 8×10 inch view camera.
First the Leica and then some iPhones.
The iPhones, with a little help with post-processing in Lightroom.
Finally, what post would be complete without a self-portrait from the 24 hour series. If you think that you’re getting tired of these, image how I felt sitting for them and pushing the cable release, then processing the film, etc. Part of what I’m doing with these ix exploring repetition and the passage of time. Anyway 11:05 PM on February 13, 1999 with an Arca Swiss view camera.
Here’s my boring self, from my hourly series, at 10:03 PM on February 13, 1999. Again taken with an Arca Swiss 8×10. This is the only image in the series where I’m wearing glasses, which we will see as we display some of the variants on these pictures (probably in mid-November at the pace we are moving at) has odd consequences.
Now the profane. At the 42nd Street Library I spotted the following, which I couldn’t resist:
From my self portrait series taken hourly on February 13, 1999 the image from 8:52 PM. Taken with an Arca Swiss 8×10 view camera.
Another take on the Old Equitable Building taken with my Leica and a 24mm Summilux lens:
8:00 PM February 13, 1999 from my series of hourly self-portraits over a 24-hour period.
Here’s my self portrait from 7:03 PM on February 13, 1999:
The next image in the continuing series of hourly portraits, this one taken at 6:04 PM, local time on February 13, 1999.