Landscape Urban

Monday October 17, 2011

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Another day on the street with my Alpa TC and 35mm Schneider lens. The Bull and Bear on Lexington Avenue in the 50s.
The Bull and Bear
The Bull and Bear

The next in a series of 24 self-portraits taken on February 13, 1999 with an Arca Swiss 8×10 view camera.

4:54 PM Local time February 13, 1999
4:54 PM Local time February 13, 1999

Family and friends Food and wine

Sunday October 16, 2011

NEW MILFORD CONNECTICUT – This is the two year anniversary of my photo-a-day effort. I haven’t missed a day! 730 days with at least one photo every day. This is just the beginning! I’ve included the first picture in this effort (from October 16, 2009), an image of the Jean Dubuffet statue in One Chase Manhattan Plaza. Today we had a picnic on our last outing of the year in our 60-year old wooden boat. Photographed with with my Leica M9 and 24mm Summilux lens.

I’ve also included below the third in my 24-hour “self” series. Taken on February 13, 1999 at with my Arca Swiss 8×10 view camera.

Boating on Candlewood Lake
Boating on Candlewood Lake
3:56 PM local time February 13, 1999
3:56 PM local time February 13, 1999

Landscape Small town

Saturday October 15, 2011

WASHINGTON CONNECTICUT – Perfect autumn day. I got to New Preston before the stores opened so I had an opportunity to capture some of the local building before cars showed up. Taken with my Alpa Max and 47mm Schneider lens. I used the shifts on the camera to correct perspective in the camera.
New Preston Kitchen Goods
New Preston Kitchen Goods

The end in a series of 24 self portraits, taken in my studio in Warren on February 13, 1999 at 3:00 PM local time.

3:00 PM local time February 13, 1999
3:00 PM local time February 13, 1999

Family and friends

Friday October 14, 2011

NEW YORK NEW YORK – A friend came ver for dinner in the kitchen. Image taken with my Leica M9.

A couple of new thoughts. I really liked the way that the self-portrait that i posted yesterday came out on the web. I’ve decided the give the “on this day one year ago” idea a rest for a month. Instead I’m going to post the full series of 24 hourly shots of myself, one a day starting today. The first image was taken at 2;06 PM local time on February 13, 1999. All were taken in my studio in Warren Connecticut with an 8×10 Arca Swiss view camera. I processed and scanned all of the negatives. The background derived from a Chuck Close self-portrait.

Here’s the image of the day followed by the first self portrait.

Francesca Barra has a friend
Francesca Barra has a friend

February 13, 1999 2:06 PM
February 13, 1999 2:06 PM

Culture Interior

Thursday October 13, 2011

NEW YORK NEW YORK – This is the second day of the annual James Beard Foundation food policy conference, held (as noted yesterday) this year at Hearst’s offices in New York. I spent the breaks giving myself a tour of the very good art collection on the floor where we held the conference. Here’s a view of a Chuck Close self-portrait and of a conference room both taken with my Leica. The Close work is important to me – a while back I appropriated it in one of my 24 hours projects – I posted a typical image from that project below.
Chuck Close
Chuck Close
Good Housekeeping
Good Housekeeping

On this day last year: West Village.

West 12th Street

Here’s my homage to Chuck Close, one of 24 similar images of myself taken hourly over 24 hours (with an 8×10 Arca Swiss view camera):

Events and holidays Interior

Wednesday October 12, 2011

NEW YORK NEW YORK – The James Beard Foundation had its annual two day food policy conference starting today. Good Housekeeping Magazine was our host – we held this year’s event in the Hearst Building in New York. Here’s a view of a break, taken with my Leica M9 and 24mm Summilux lens.
Hearst Building
Hearst Building

On this day last year: One Oak. For some reason I didn’t like this last year. I’m a bit more positive on it now – the image exudes pheromones.

One Oak


Tuesday October 11, 2011

NEW YORK NEW YORK – A gray day but not quite raining. A poor day for landscape in the city. I walked up Third Avenue with my Leica and Wide Angle Tri Elmar lens (shot at 21mm).

On this day one year ago: Lake Lillinonah.

Lake Lillinonah Connecticut

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