The next in a series of 24 self-portraits taken on February 13, 1999 with an Arca Swiss 8×10 view camera.
I’ve also included below the third in my 24-hour “self” series. Taken on February 13, 1999 at with my Arca Swiss 8×10 view camera.
The end in a series of 24 self portraits, taken in my studio in Warren on February 13, 1999 at 3:00 PM local time.
A couple of new thoughts. I really liked the way that the self-portrait that i posted yesterday came out on the web. I’ve decided the give the “on this day one year ago” idea a rest for a month. Instead I’m going to post the full series of 24 hourly shots of myself, one a day starting today. The first image was taken at 2;06 PM local time on February 13, 1999. All were taken in my studio in Warren Connecticut with an 8×10 Arca Swiss view camera. I processed and scanned all of the negatives. The background derived from a Chuck Close self-portrait.
Here’s the image of the day followed by the first self portrait.
On this day last year: West Village.
Here’s my homage to Chuck Close, one of 24 similar images of myself taken hourly over 24 hours (with an 8×10 Arca Swiss view camera):
On this day last year: One Oak. For some reason I didn’t like this last year. I’m a bit more positive on it now – the image exudes pheromones.
On this day one year ago: Lake Lillinonah.