Landscape Street Urban

Monday October 3, 2011

NEW YORK NEW YORK – As you might expect this is an emotionally flat day for me after all of the excitement of the wedding. My mojo is elsewhere. It’s gone into hiding. I hope it’s not gone forever. But I threw my Alpa into a small bag and soldiered on. I caught this at Citicorp Center on my way to the office. Everyone is alone, facing away from everyone else. Everyone is an island. That’s what life is like sans mojo. A lucky shot. Odd how you can do well at something regardless of your state of mind by just doing it daily.

The Alpa (with an 80 meg medium format back) is very demanding of technique when used handheld. At 80 megs of resolution a bit of camera movement was plainly evident in this image. I down-rezed the file to 24 megs – the file size produced by a high end Canon or Nikon – and the jitters disappeared.


On this day last year: a fixer-upper.

[/captio a fixer-uppern].

Events and holidays Family and friends

Sunday October 2, 2011

NEW YORK NEW YOK – Well today is the big day for Alexander (our son) and Laura. I was a participant and had little energy/focus for photography. Here’s a quote on the event from a note from a friend:

I thought that Laura’s and Alexander’s wedding ceremony was beautiful, touching, and memorable. I was entranced by the rich and majestic setting (St. Ignatius Loyola was truly gorgeous), and charmed by the priest, whom I found interesting and compelling.

And then there was the wonderful, joyous, energetic, and sumptuous cocktails and dinner and dancing at the Yale Club. What a perfect setting! The hors d’oeuvres and dinner were delicious (I was the fellow who ate 8 pounds of the grilled sausage) and the dancing was amazing. Why didn’t you warn me that Francesca (senior) is a whirling dervish? She is a sensational dancer. I danced with Francesca for a song or two and, as I walked exhausted back to my table, concluded that she has the aerobic capacity of a Navy seal. And, of course, Patrizia was amazing to watch as she moved across the dance floor. Francesca (junior) was stunning (as always) and looked fabulous on the dance floor herself.

But, most important, I was touched to see Laura and Alexander so obviously happy and in love. They make a handsome couple. I was moved by their closeness, and I know that they will be very good to and for each other.

Anyway, a couple of images with my M9 and 50 mm Summilux lens:

Laura gets made up
Laura gets made up

On this day one year ago: New Milford Congregational Church.

First Congregational Church New Milford, CT

-Woody's Picks Events and holidays Family and friends

Saturday October 1, 2011

NEW YOK NEW YORK – This is rehearsal day for Laura and Alexander’s wedding. Thankfully I’m not serving in any official role as a photographer for the event. Wedding photograph is grueling business – I have tremendous admiration for the team that is shooting the wedding. I managed a few shots with my Panasonic GH2 at the rehearsal at St. Ignatius.

Alexander and his best man, Karim:

Alexander and Karim
Alexander and Karim
The families watch
The families watch
Maria practices her reading
Maria practices her reading
Alexander and Laura sit patiently
Alexander and Laura sit patiently

On this day one year ago: The Guggenheim.

Guggenheim Museum New York

Landscape Urban

Friday September 30, 2011

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – I found myself on the West Side for lunch. I captured this with my Alpa on my walk back to the office.
Columbus Circle
Columbus Circle

On this day one year ago: Lexington Avenue Subway.

Lexington Avenue Subway - 86th Street Station

Food and wine

Thursday September 29, 2011

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – A busy day of shopping, cooking and otherwise preparing for an onslaught of relatives for Alexander and Laura’s wedding this coming weekend. It’s good to have some food hanging around just in case people are hungry at odd hours. So I roasted a coupe of chickens, made two kinds of swiss chard, did some beets and feta cheese and eggplant parmesan, and made a variety of pasta sauces. Here’s a sample, captured with my Panasonic GH2
Chicken Eggplant Swiss Chard
Chicken Eggplant Swiss Chard

On this day last year: Brooklyn Bridge Park.

South Street Seaport from Brooklyn Bridge Park

Events and holidays Family and friends Portrait

Wednesday September 28, 2011

BROOKLYN NEW YORK – Today is Maria’s birthday. We had a small dinner at Frankies Spuntino in Brooklyn (that’s not a typo – it’s owned by two guys named Frankie). Shot with my Leica M9 and 50 mm Summilux lens.
Maria has a birthday
Maria has a birthday

On this day one year ago: Citicorp.


Culture Events and holidays Family and friends Interior

Tuesday September 27, 2011

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – A couple of things happened today. We spent a while with Alexander and Laura, his fiancé, preparing for their wedding, which is next weekend. Here they are, with Maria, taken with my Leica M9 and a 50mm Summilux lens:
Last minute planning
Last minute planning

My firm had an alumni reception at Morgan Library. We had free run of the collection, assisted by docents. It had been a while since I had been there – the overwhelming impression is admiration for J.P. Morgan. Today’s billionaires build superboats, buy 747s, and collect 100,000 square foot houses. Morgan assembled a treasure trove of illustrated manuscripts, drawing and rare books. What a difference.

Morgan Library
Morgan Library
Morgan Library
Morgan Library

On this day one year ago: St. John the Divine.

St. John the divine

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