Landscape Urban

Monday September 26, 2011

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – We took a walk today in the West 20s shooting an Alp TC and 3mm Schneider lens.
129 West 22nd Street Condominium
129 West 22nd Street Condominium
Zen Bikes
Zen Bikes

On this day last year: Early fall in Connecticut.

Terry Tanner's farmstand


Sunday September 25, 2011

WARREN CONNECTICUT – We drove across the valley to visit our friend and neighbor Tim Angevine, who owns a Christmas tree farm and is playing an important role in preserving the rural character of Warren. His family used to be in the egg business – here’s a shot of his chicken coop – We’ve also done this as a panorama which will periodically appear as the banner for this site. Taken with my Alpa TC and a 72mm Schneider lens.

On this day last year: Early Autumn.

Connecticut Foliage

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