Family and friends Landscape

Saturday November 26, 2011

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Well our adult children decided today that they had had enough of a good thing (Warren Connecticut) and headed back to New York where things are predictably a bit more lively. Here is a shot of a field (it’s really hilly up here) and our departing children, spouse and friend from Germany. The weekend is winding down. We suffer the Sunday blues on Saturday. Leftovers are gone. The house seems empty.

Field Warren
Field Warren

On this day one year ago: Storm in Warren.

Warren Storm
Warren Storm

Friday November 25, 2011

WARREN CONNECTICUT – So if the day after Christmas is Boxing Day, what’s the day after Thanksgiving? Purging Day? Leftovers Day? Cold Turkey Day. Try to Get Some Exercise Day? Get the Hell Out of the Kitchen Day? We’ll have to work on this.

My disposition has dramatically improved, foto-wise. I got out in good morning light with a tripod, my Alpa Max and the usual suspects in terms of lenses, filters and so on.


On this day one year ago: Thanksgiving 2010.

Thnksgiving 2010

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