
Thursday March 8, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – With my Alpa in my neighborhood.

On this day one year ago: Weston. Since then we’ve gotten rid of the plant.

Edward Weston
Edward Weston

Home Interior

Wednesday March 7, 2012

NEW YORK HEW YORK – Taken with my iPhone at the end of a long, hard day. My first approach to this image was half-hearted – it’s the second image below. I revisited it in Lightroom and Photoshop to even out the background (antique linen that’s framed above our bed) and resaturate and adjust the color on the gummy plastic heart. It’s sort of a gummy plastic treatment of the subject, but overall not bad. I’m no longer embarrassed by the image.

On this day last year: House of Brews.

Duvel Green?
Duvel Green?

Landscape Street Urban

Tuesday March 6, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – A lovely day with good light on the street. I went shopping for images with my Alpa TC and the usual setup. Here’s what I got:
Two Guys
Two Guys
Look up!
Look up!

On this day last year: rain.

Rain, rain go away
Rain, rain go away

Animals Home

Monday March 5, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I spent most of today at Harvard Business School, where the turn-around of the James Beard Foundation was discussed by a class as a case. Very, very bright kids, who over an hour and a half identified most of the issues that we actually dealt with and thoroughly debated all sides. Very interesting – these students are well-qualified to take on the world and all of its problems. We were rushed the whole day with not many opportunities for photography. I captured this at home after I got back from Boston, as I was leaving for dinner. Basil looking irritated. Taken with my Sony Nex-7 and 24mm Leica Summilux lens. The photograph on the wall is by Lalla Essaydi.
The dog scolds me for leaving
The dog scolds me for leaving

On this day last year: River Club.

Engagement party at the River Club
Engagement party at the River Club

Landscape Out my window Urban

Sunday March 4, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – We got home from Connecticut and had a quiet dinner with our daughter, Francesca, who is pictured in context here. Sony Nex-7 and 24mm Leica Summilux.

On this day one year ago: out my window with a 135mm Leica APO tele-elmarit.

Out my window
Out my window


Saturday March 3, 2012

WARREN CONNECTICUT – A scary moment. I took my pictures for the day and this evening uploaded them to my computer, imported them to Lightroom, put the CF card back in the camera and formatted it, sorted through the files; cleaned a couple of items up on the computer and deleted the trash to free up disc space. After dinner and a movie I returned to the computer to make a selection for the day, and found out that I had accidentally deleted the files. They were gone. Period. Too late to take another March 3 picture. What to do? Write a post that says “no picture today because the dog ate my homework?” Ruin a perfect record now 30 months or so long?

After puzzling over alternatives for a bit I realized that I had enabled automatic Time Machine backups from the laptop to this little white Apple box hidden under my desk. I opened Time Machine, paged back a couple of pages, and there they were. Lesson: even seasoned veterans can make stupid mistakes. Automatic backups are a very good idea.

Anyway, here is one of the recovered files taken with my Alpa TC, 35mm Schneider lens and Phase One IQ 180 back.

Ice Storm
Ice Storm

On this day last year: Tree on West 12th Street.

Tree on West 12th Street
Tree on West 12th Street

Food and wine Portrait Street

Friday March 2, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I had lunch with Francesca at one of our favorite places near Columbia: Luncheonette. A diner at the next table captured with my Sony Nex-7 and 24mm Leica Summilux lens. Minor pixel level edits – I’ll leave it to you to find them.

On this day last year: Armory Show.

Mature guys and nuke
Mature guys and nuke

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