Landscape Street

Wednesday July 11, 2012

WASHINGTON DC – Ahem. Here we are in out nation’s capital, an expression that’s almost always used ironically these days. I flew down here for a conference and had a few minutes to spare to take a quick walk with my Fuji x Pro 1 and a 50mm equivalent lens. I do like this think which reminds me of a slightly larger (but more capable) Contax G2.

On this day one year ago: Scissors. Taken while I was bed-ridden, it turns out with Lyme disease.

Events and holidays Family and friends

Tuesday July 10, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I spent the late afternoon (after a more or less full day at my day job) preparing for a dinner party. Cooking well is a bit of a curse – people come to expect it. The menu was all cook-in-advnace summer stuff: vitello tonato, salade a la russe, an onion tart and a tossed salad. Anyway, here are images with my Fuji X Pro.

Dinner Party
Dinner Party
Dinner Party
Dinner Party

On this day last year: Big Shadow.

Summer morning
Summer morning
Home Out my window

Monday July 9, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Still suffering from a bit of jet lag. Maria and I both woke up very early – in plenty of time to to watch the sunrise illuminate our living room. Maria picking up after an early morning of catching up on magazines and newspapers. Taken with my Fuji XPro 1.

Living room
Living room

As I write this my Milan film came back from being developed, and I’ve started to scan it. Here are some samples taken with my Leica M3 and Ilford XP5 film. What I notice most? The grain. I’ll be leaking these out into my daily posts as I scan them.

Duomo taken with 50mm Summilux, two frames stitched (yes, once you’ve scanned film you can stitch it!)

Milan Duomo
Milan Duomo


On this day last year: Home in Warren.

Warren Connecticut
Warren Connecticut
Family and friends Portrait

Sunday July 8, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – We’ve instituted a weekly (well at least several times a month) “family dinner” on Sunday evening, so Laura and Alexander came over. Francesca was already here because she’s moved in while she studies for the bar exam in just over two weeks. I gave my Leica gear a well-deserved rest (I’m taking my M9 to Nippon Photo Clinic for adjustments next week) and shot with my Fuji xpro-1. Here’s Alexander at dinner.

Alexander Campbell
Alexander Campbell

On this day last year: Grand Central Terminal. Another lone figure shot. This one in a crowd. A more defiant stance than usual.

Grand Central Terminal
Grand Central Terminal
Out my window

Saturday July 7, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Back home. Our flight back was as bad as our flight going. Delayed five hours in Milan. A hassling arrival at JFK as we struggled to master the new Global Entry system. Ugh. Back home we unpacked in the midst of a major heat wave. Cowering in air conditioning. There was a really weird sunset. Captured with my Leica M9 and 24mm Summilux.

Out my window
Out my window

On this day one year ago: another sick day. Both of my July 7th shots, this year and last, feature out my window views.

Out my window
Out my window
Landscape Travel

Friday July 6, 2012

MILAN ITALY – One last day of tourism in Italy. Maria has finished her meetings so she was able to join me visiting Villa Necchi, Pinacoteca di Brera and shopping on Via Spiga and Via Montenapoleone. One this is clear: these Milanese do design and retail like no one else.

So here are my captures for the day, tank with my Leica M9 and 24mm Lummilux lens.

Villa Necchi
Villa Necchi
Villa Necchi
Villa Necchi
Maria sees the big picture
Maria sees the big picture

On this day one year ago: a sick day. I’ve cropped this to be one of my favorite headers for this site.

Chinese porcelain
Chinese porcelainChinese procelain

Thursday July 5, 2012

MILAN ITALY – My favorite way of exploring a city is to strike out on foot exploring without fixed itinerary. I ended up today in the Porto Nuova area, a large area of new construction. The architecture is pretty good. The planning includes a big underground parking lot (the automobile is the enemy of Milan) and a large pedestrian area (greatly needed in Milan). I like it. But I generally like construction sites. According to our dinner companions this project has been highly criticized by the Milanese. All images are with my Leica M9 and 24mm Summilux lens.

Porta Nuova I
Porta Nuova I
Porta Nuova II
Porta Nuova II
Porto Nuova III
Porto Nuova III
Milan's color
Milan’s color

You know the color that egg yolks turn where they meet the whites in hard boiled eggs? That’s the color of Milan. Here it is.

Milan color
Milan color

Final, the bridge that connects the two halves of our host’s apartment.


On this day one year ago: Leaving Capri.

A rare overcast day
A rare overcast day
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