Landscape Urban

Wednesday July 4, 2012

MILAN ITALY – Well here we are on July 4 and no Independence Day celebration. This seems odd – we were on Capri at this time last year and there is always a big 4th of July celebration there. Oh well . . .

More Milan Tourism. This one is from a triumphal arch built in honor of Vittorio Emanuele II and Napoleon. Milan was briefly under French rule during the Napoleonic era. By the way I borrowed friend’s Leica 18mm lens today and shot with it extensively. Unfortunately it’s outstanding. Distortion free. Amazing detail. Very flair resistant. Not a trace of purple fringing. I’m going to need one of these. Also shot film, which I’ll post later.


The fountain in front of the Sforza Palace, which is largely draped for renovation.

Fountain and the Sforza Palace
Fountain and the Sforza Palace

An odd entrance to a courtyard. I guy came up and asked me in Italian if I know what it is, but I was clueless.

An odd entrance
An odd entrance

The Basilica di S. Ambrogio from the 10th (!) century – the site has been a Christian Church since Roman times. A lovely, simple red brick structure. those guys knew how to build. I took a lot of details on film.

S. Ambrogio
S. Ambrogio

Finally some graffiti. This 18mm lens rocks.


On this day last year: On the funicular, Capri.

Landscape Urban

Tuesday July 3, 2012

MILAN ITALY – Today was my day for the usual stuff in Milan. I started the day tracking down Villa Necchi, an early 20th century house that starred in the film “I am Love”. I found it; it’s open by appointment only; I made an appointment for Friday so more on it then. I also scoped out Pinocateca di Brera’s hours – Maria and I will spend Friday morning there. The light was pretty good in the late afternoon so I shot the Galleria, the wedding cake Duomo, some architectural detail and a shopping street. That’s pretty much it for Milan. But I actually have a confession to make. I stumbled on a really good Leica dealer today. They had an M3 in excellent working condition for a great price so I bought it. Together with two rolls of film. I’ll be supplementing my Milan posts with film shots once I get home and have it developed. Cool, huh?

Anyway here are my digital shots all taken with my M9 and 24mm Summilux.

Duomo II
Duomo II
Shopping Street
Shopping Street

On this day one year ago: Capri Literary Festival. (No kidding.) Here’s Dona Tart:

Dona Tart
Dona Tart
Culture Urban

Monday July 2, 2012

MILAN ITALY – I’m a tourist in Milan this week while Maria attends meetings at Mondadori, the large Italian publishing group. Being a tourist in Milan sounds better than the reality. Milan is actually an ugly city with a few high lights. What is of interest (and there is a lot of it) takes place in courtyards and salons and isn’t particularly visual. I spent the entire day working from my computer – catching up from being more or less off the grid for almost two weeks. This is also a chance for me to catch up on editing pictures and writing posts.

This is another image of the Bauhaus-style building that I referred to in yesterday’s post, taken with my Leica M9 and 35mm Summilux lens.

Bauhaus redux
Bauhaus redux

On this day last year: Lunch at Da Luigi.

Lunch at da Luigi
Lunch at da Luigi
Family and friends

Sunday July 1, 2012

TODI, ON THE ROAD, AND MILAN – We started the day in Todi with brunch with the wedding party – I picked up a couple of images with my Leica M9. On the trip to Milan the M9 was in the center console of our rental car where it fired at random – I’ve been collecting “purse shots” so I’ve included one here. Finally we ended up in Milan where we’re staying with an old friend who is doing a serious job of renovating an important Bauhaus apartment building – which I shot with my M9 and 24mm Summilux.

Maria and Patrizia
Maria and Patrizia
Caitlin - still in white
Caitlin – still in white
Purse shot
Purse shot
My house is Bauhaus
My house is Bauhaus

On this day last year: Piazzetta.

Events and holidays Family and friends

Saturday June 30, 2012

TODI ITALY – We spent the morning in Todi; had a fabulous lunch; went shopping in a factory outlet; connected with the wedding celebration in the late afternoon. First an image for Todi taken with my M9 and the 24mm Summilux; then a variety of images from the wedding taken with my Sony Nex-7 (which I use in situations where I expect poor light) and 35mm Summilux.

Caitlin and Saverio
Caitlin and Saverio
Hmmm . . .
Hmmm . . .

On this day last year: Attention to email.

Francesca and Maria
Francesca and Maria
Events and holidays Family and friends

Friday June 29, 2012

TODI ITALY – We’ve come here to celebrate the wedding of Kimball and Patrizia Chen’s son, Saverio, and Caitlan, Saverio’s new wife. Here’s a family shot from the run up dinner the night before (which is today, just to be clear). Taken with my Sony Nex-7 and 24mm Leica lens.

Family shot
Family shot

On this day one year ago: Air France Lounge.

Air France Lounge
Air France Lounge

Thursday June 28, 2012

DERUTA ITALY – That’s right. We’ve left Switzerland. This morning we traveled by taxi from Soglia to Linate Airport (Milan’s airport for local Italian flights), rented a car and drove to Umbria, picking up our friend, Nancy Novogrod, at Linate. We stopped in this center of maiolica to buy plates and take pictures (here I’m using my Leica M9 and a 35mm Summilux lens).


On this day one year ago: Andy Hartzell.

Andy Hartzell
Andy Hartzell
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