Landscape Urban

Wednesday June 20, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – The alley behind our building taken with my Fuji x-Pro 1 and Fujinon 18mm f2.0 lens. I’m a bit distracted preparing for out trip to Switzerland.

Out back
Out back

Here we are. on the way, taken with my iPhone.


On this day one year ago: Steve.

Family and friends

Tuesday June 19, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Packing for a trip to Europe. This one is a challenge. Hiking in Switzerland, followed by a wedding in Todi and then work in Milan. Anyway, here’s Maria toward the end of the process relaxing with her email. Taken with my iPhone.

Maria checks her e-mail
Maria checks her e-mail

On this day one year ago: Alexander pounds the hell out of a golf ball.

Alexander tees off
Alexander tees off
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