
Saturday August 4, 2012

FISHERS ISLAND NEW YORK – Fishers Island is 7 miles or so off the Connecticut coast in Long Island Sound, opposite Mystic and Stonington. Here it is:

Politically Fishers is in New York State. There is no local government – it’s part of Southold, a town on the north fork of Long Island. Geologically its an extension of the north fork – the golf courses, like those at the east end of Long Island, are classic links courses. Architecturally its part Central Park and part Newport: about half of the island is a planned community (very, very low density) designed by Frederic Law Olmsted; houses are shingle style, heavily influenced by Stamford White. Socially, it’s high wasp: The screen writers for the first season of Mad Men placed Campbell’s family summer house in Fishers, demonstrating a nuanced understanding of our local social morays. A lovely place to get away to.

Here are some images from the beach taken with my Leica M9 and a 28mm Summicron lens. The first is stitched from three frames. As you see there is beach grass and beach rocks.

Beach Grass
Beach Grass
Beach Rocks
Beach Rocks

On our return from the beach there was some drama. We brought Basil, our Norwich Terrier, to Fishers but left him in the house while we went to the beach. I don’t know whether I’ve mentioned that Basil is an evil genius when it comes to food, but he is. He broke into our hosts’ supply of Greenies and ate all 40 of them. 40 of these disgusting things. He threw up 13 messy green piles all over the house. Here’s the cleanup crew, looking unamused.

Cleanup crew
Cleanup crew

On this day one year ago: Bloomberg building out my office window.

Bloomberg Building
Bloomberg Building
Events and holidays Family and friends

Friday August 3, 2012

FISHERS ISLAND NEW YORK – We drove to New London this morning and took the ferry to Fishers Island. We’re here for a reunion with three other couples who we’ve know since our early days in New York. All of us were bankers or lawyers (the banks we worked for, Bankers Trust, Salomon Brothers and Chase Manhattan, no longer exist) except for Maria, who as we know made her way in publishing. Our children are the same ages; we’ve been to each others christening and weddings. There’s a whole network of Godfather/Godmother relationships. Cocktails taken with my Fuji X-Pro1.

By the way I’m still shooting film with my Leica M3 and having a ball. I’ll post periodically as I develop and scan.

Fishers Island
Fishers Island

On this day last week: Rooftop test.

New York Rooftop
New York Rooftop
Culture Landscape

Thursday August 2, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I took a walk today in Riverside Park from 116th Street to 59th Street with my medium format kit, a Phase One IQ 180 back, Alpa TC “camera” and a Rodenstock 32mm lens. Here’s a sample:

Riverside Park South
Riverside Park South

On this day one year ago: Lounge 3. Ugh . . . a travel day. This was hard work.

Lounge 3
Lounge 3
Landscape Urban

Wednesday August 1, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Here’s one of the many construction sites for the 2nd Avenue Subway rendered with my Leica M9 and 35mm Summilux lens.

2nd Avenue subway construction
2nd Avenue subway construction

On this day one year ago: Sunrise in Lamu.

Sunrise at Lamu
Sunrise at Lamu
Icon Landscape Urban

Tuesday July 31, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – More of Niki de Saint Phalle’s work on the Park Avenue divider betwen the Seagrams Building and the Racquet and Tennis Club. See my post of: July 26, 2012. Taken with my Leica M9 and 18mm Elmar lens. Later in the evening we trekked out to Brooklyn for dinner at Peter Lugar, the Chartres Cathedral of steak. Images taken with my Fuji X-Pro1 and 35mm lens.

Niki de Saint Phalle
Niki de Saint Phalle
At Peter Lugar
At Peter Lugar
Desert is Finished
Desert is Finished

On this day last year: A tree grows in Lamu.

Anidan Orphanage
Anidan Orphanage

Monday July 30, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – We went this evening to the premier of the Bourne Legacy, the fourth of the Bourne movies, the first without Matt Damon. Here is a picture of some onlookers as we went into the theater – taken with my iPhone.

Bourne Onlookers
Bourne Onlookers

At home shot with my Fuji X-Pro1.

At Home
At Home

On this day last year: more Lamu. Riding in a dhow.


Sunday July 29, 2012

WARREN CONNECTICUT – So here’s the quilt in Connecticut. We bought it at the annual rummage sale at John’s Episcopal Church in Washington CT for very little and then spent 18 months having it restored. It really is of a piece with the quilt that I shot with my iPhone in the Adelphi Hotel in Saratoga. Probably not the same author but the same time, style and fabrics. Taken my iPhone.


Now the picture from the Adelphi. Note the iPhone’s tendency to blow out the whites.


On this day last year: Lamu, Kenya. Where my legal homeys hang in Lamu.

Lamu Judiciary
Lamu Judiciary
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