Garden Landscape

Sunday September 16, 2012

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Another beautiful day in rural Northwestern Connecticut. We’ve turned the two or three acres nearest the house into a parklike setting, mowing around the mature oaks and maples. Three angles captured with my Leica Monochrom and my 1957 lens, a 50mm dual range Summicron.

More trees
More trees
More trees yet
More trees yet

On this day last year: Self, on the way to
Hong Kong


Saturday September 15, 2012

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Out with the Leica Monochrom. Since this is my site I can probably get away with saying that this thing delivers medium format quality without being flamed. It’s a real sensation. It doesn’t see in color so there is no bayer array in front of the sensor, roughly doubling the sensor’s resolution from 18 megapixels to the equivalent of 30 or so. Here are some more experiments with film looks all taken with the Monochrom and 50mm Dual Range Summicron lens.

Sea Food
Sea Food

Three frames stitched in Photoshop.


On this day one year ago: Feet.

New lens
New lens
Interior Landscape

Friday September 14, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – There’s some stuff looming on my calendar – Maria’s birthday and our anniversary fall back to back at the end of this month. I’ve tried to break the pattern of last minute shopping for gifts, so here I am hard at work shopping. Leica Monochrom and Leica 50mm Dual Range Summicron.

Happy Birthday Maria
Happy Birthday Maria

A brick wall from earlier in the day.


On this day one year ago: appropriated.

Landscape Urban

Thursday September 13, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Even the Monochrom can’t eliminate bad days. Here’s it is using a 24mm Leica Summilux lens. The film look gives this otherwise pedestrian image a little bit of grit.

Not much
Not much

On this day last year: Lever House.

Lever House
Lever House
Infrared Landscape Urban

Wednesday September 12, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Out with the Leica Monochrom again today. I’m trying it out as an infrared camera – I strapped on an infrared filter and snapped a couple of dozen images. This isn’t really practical because the filter needs 10 stops additional exposure – the camera evidently has very good infrared filtering. Here’s an example:


Back to normal:

Madison Avenue
Madison Avenue

Film from a few weeks ago:

Caroline and Maria
Caroline and Maria

On this day last year: Todds.


Tuesday September 11, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – More productive work with my Leica Monochrom. (By the way that’s the way Leica spells it.) I’ve shot rolls of T-Max 100 and Ilford Delta 100 (with my M4) of X-Rite color checker and of real landscapes. The comparison with the Monochrom has helped be devise presets in Lightroom that provide a more film-like, less digital look. Some examples:

FAO Schwartz
FAO Schwartz

On this day last year: hallway.

Landscape Urban

Monday September 10, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I’m loving my Leica Monochrom. In post processing I’ve been experimenting with some film looks to pretty good effect. Here are some examples from today all taken with the Monochrom and my 55-year old 50mm Dual Range Summicron.


I look for construction sites and vacant lots that create views through blocks that don’t exist otherwise and won’t exist for very long. Here’s the New York Life building – three frames stitched in Photoshop.

New York Life
New York Life

Morning light in our dining room.


On this day last year: fire pit. Color!

Pire pit
Fire pit
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