NEW YORK NEW YORK – I stopped at the Nespresso store on Madison Avenue to buy a coffee machine and some coffee for the country. Here’s a picture taken with my Monochrom and 28mm Summicron lens.
On this day last year: Good light on Madison Avenue.
NEW YORK NEW YORK – I stopped at the Nespresso store on Madison Avenue to buy a coffee machine and some coffee for the country. Here’s a picture taken with my Monochrom and 28mm Summicron lens.
On this day last year: Good light on Madison Avenue.
NEW YORK NEW YORK – There’s a relatively recent new installation at Lever House: a large bronze version of the inflatable giant rat that labor unions inflate outside of sites using scab labor. This is a work by a collective called The Bruce High Quality Foundation. Because of the material and the site the work is gently ironical – one assumes that the creators were hoping for more emotional impact. Taken with my Leica Monchrom and 28mm Summichron lens.
On this day last year: Martini. Having fun with my iPhone.
NEW YORK NEW YORK – A day of meetings. Here is a group of my colleagues taken with my Leica Monochrom and 28mm Summicron lens, which is ungenerous to those standing near the edge of the frame.
On this day one year ago: Late fall landscape. I shot substantially the same scene a few days ago but in black and white. See October 13, 2012
NEW YORK NEW YORK – Our annual partners retirement dinner – our firm’s most important social event of the year – at the Four Seasons Restaurant this year. This year I decided to follow one partner around with my Leica Monochrom and Noctilux lens. Here are some samples.
On this day last year: Construction site party.
WARREN CONNECTICUT – Out with my Leica Monochrom today. I captured a backlit tree line – actually three frames stitched. And a store in New Preston run by a close friend. Also a stitch.
On this day last year: X rated at the Public Library. This was too good to be true.
WARREN CONNECTICUT – We took a hike in Steep Rock Preserve today, admiring the fall foliage and scouting cross country ski trails. More black and white color for my daily photo blog, taken with my Leica Monochrom and 35mm Summilux FLE lens.
On this day last year: World Trade Center Memorial.
WARREN CONNECTICUT – So here’s an experiment. I’ve been shooting almost solely for the last six weeks with my Leica Monochrom, a digital camera that shoots only in black and white but offers enhanced resolution and a distinctive film-like look (after some processing). It’s fall here and I’ve been working against the grain, generally a good idea, and shooting the New England foliage in black and white. I thought that I’d show you what the foliage looks like both ways today. First a black and white image taken with my Monochrom and a Leica 28mm Elmarit lens, and then an images taken in color with my M9 and the same lens. First the black and white:
After spending a bit of time with this I’ve decided I like it – it has the grittiness of a 1940s image shot on orthochromatic film.
Here’s the color images, taken a half mile from the first image and in color.
Not bad. Captures the moment but a bit pedestrian. For now I’m sticking with the Monochrom.
On this day one year ago: Thames Street.