WARREN CONNECTICUT – My weekend was packed with non-photo work. I snuck out midday to run some errands. Our neighbor, Luke Tanner, is shifting his farm away from dairy to hay, which he sells. Here are some of his hay bails Taken with my Leica Monchrom and 50mm Summicron lens from 1958.
NEW YORK NEW YORK – Another walk around with my Leica Monochrom and 35mm Summilux lens. The crisp, early winter light today invites exploring the cityscape in high key. Here’s and example:
On this day last year: Bryan Hund. A piece of art that looks like a cobra made out of crumpled up aluminum foil.
NEW YORK NEW YORK – Walking cross town on a dreary morning the reflected sky on a glass enclosure caught my eye. I fussed around with my position and camera angle and came up with this, my only shot for the day. Leica Monochrome and 35mm Summilux FLE lens.
NEW YORK NEW YORK – You read a lot about the weather on this blog. Woody’s weather channel. what a bore. But the weather really affects me. At the core I’m an landscape photographer; in New York we happen to have an urban landscape; the weather dramatically affects how it looks. Today we had a serious snow storm. The snow turned to slush by the time it reached the ground and photographed as a medium gray sludge. Not to my liking so I pointed my camera out the windows of our apartment to give you a gallery of water tanks, obscured by the snow, on surrounding buildings. All taken with my Leica Monochrom and a135mm APO-Telyt lens.
On this dat=y one year ago: Dandy. Taken with my long-g0ne Ricoh GRD.
NEW YORK NEW YORK – I spent the morning working at my day job and got away in the afternoon in time to stand in line to vote. We had some family and friends over to watch the returns. By 11:00 PM I still hadn’t gotten my picture, so i finally shot the television with Leica Monochrom and 35mm Summilux lens.
NEW YORK NEW YORK – Once again I find myself walking around in the 20s with a camera in my hand. Not much is happening. The light s good but I’m having trouble getting into the moment. What came out of it were a couple of images that I’ve taken before: The New York Life Building and the really big movie poster at 24th and Lexington. Both take with my Leica Monochrom and a 35mm Summilux FLE lens. The movie poster is two frames stitched.
WARREN CONNECTICUT – I’m a landscape guy who lives in the Eastern United States. I’ve written in the past about the challenges of Eastern landscape: deciduous forrest presses in on you; there are hills not mountains; dramatic points of view are scarce; there are people and their artifacts everywhere making images of virgin acadian paradise difficult. One approach to this problem is the Robert Adams approach – shoot what there is and the hell with you if you don’t find it interesting. So here are the woods near our house in good winter light.
Park-like setting near our house. This isn’t the first time that I’ve experimented with these shadows.
Residue of the guy who sold us a portion of this property.
All shot with my Leica Monochrom and 35mm Summilux FLE lens.
On this day one year ago: really close. Taken with a Rikoh GRD camera – one of many compact cameras that I’ve tried and rejected.