Family and friends Landscape

Saturday October 27, 2012

KENT AND WARREN CONNECTICUT – We’re showing our age: Maria and I went to a birding class in Kent this morning. We took a walk with the group behind the Kent town hall. Interestingly there were fewer birds that normal (our guide reported) because they had gone to ground feeling the low pressure as Sandy approached. Later in the day I experimented at bit with high ISO landscapes – shooting at ISO 5000 and f16 to maximize depth of field. Both images taken with my Leica Monochrom and 28mm Summicron lens.


On this day last year: S. Feldman Hardware.

S. Feldman Housewares
S. Feldman Housewares
Landscape Street

Friday October 26, 2012

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Lunch today at ABC Kitchen followed by a walk to the New Museum on the Bowery, which has devoted three full floors to the work of Rosemarie Trockel, a German artist who can do just about anything with anything. Photography is not permitted at the New Museum, a common problem these days, so I have to content myself with pictures from my walk. I’ve commented before on the declining state of New York’s tenderloin areas. The winos are being priced out of the Bowery, which like the rest of the Lower East Side is undergoing rapid gentrification. All images with my Leica Monochrom and 28mm Summicron lens.

Amsterdam Billiards
Amsterdam Billiards
Cooper Union
Cooper Union

On this day one year ago: Subway.

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