On this day last year: Valves in Beantown.
On this day last year: Valves in Beantown.
Fully automatic this camera’s default shutter speed settings in low light situations are a stop or two too low for me, giving me a bit of camera movement when shooting very quickly or offhand. Using this thing is actually going to take some practice. It raises the question of how I feel about interesting images that aren’t technically perfect. There may be a few of these, starting with the image below taken in Grand Central Terminal.
On this day last year: Early days with the Monochrom. It’s hard to believe that my Leica Monochrom is just a year old. It was a life changer.
On this day last year: Happy Birthday Maria.
On this day one year ago: Blah. Shooting film on this day last year, proving that you can still make boring images with film.
Here I am in the bathroom with its remarkable paneling; Google has not helped me identify to species of wood. Taken with my iPhone. Also a “look up” later in the evening taken with my Leica M.
On this day one year ago: Infrared with the Monochrom.
Traffic is a total snarl today. I stayed in midtown near my office photographing a new installation at Lever House with my Leica Monochrom and Luxxochron. Actually, this isn’t a completed installation, just the construction of some new walls to display a new installation, but who would know.
On this day one year ago: Bendel.