Landscape Urban

Friday November 15, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I’ve been a bit dull in the past few days. The baby Sony is convenient but it lacks charisma and just doesn’t move me. In a project like this (one photograph a day for the rest of my life) a switch in approach can help break out of the doldrums, so I switched back to my Leica Monochrom, this time with a very wide lens, the marvelous Leica 18mm Super-Elmar Asph. I’m using it with a level in the accessory shoe (to help avoid weird wide-angle distortions) instead of a viewfinder. Shooting with the lens I can point in a general direction and just assume that it gets everything. I like shooting wide. Sometimes I worry that it’s a gimmick but this really has helped me to get out of a rut and back into my groove.

Trash bin
Trash bin
1185 Park
1185 Park

On this day last year: An abstraction in our offices. I took this last year with my Monochrom and a Dual Range Summichron lens from 1958. Of course I’m reminded of what a charming lens this is. I may turn to it next.


Thursday November 14, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – A corner of our kitchen here shot with my baby Sony. A quick and casual grab to keep the string alive.


On this day one year ago: Super dull.

Not so interesting
Not so interesting
Interior Landscape

Wednesday November 13, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – On Park Avenue again very early in the morning walking to meetings. Later in the day a time out from meetings in a telephone room that I call the penalty box. Shot with my baby Sony, which does the job but is a bit short on charisma.

Park Avenue
Park Avenue
Penalty box
Penalty box

On this day last year: Boston. Not much on an image. Meh squared.

Construction site
Construction site

Tuesday November 12, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Walking down Park Avenue very early this morning (6:00 AM . . . really) I spotted this very large number five in the window at the Phillips auction gallery. This sort of display is thought to burn a work for serious collectors – I wonder why Phillips did this?


On this day last year: rain drops.

Rain delayed departure
Rain delayed departure
Landscape Street

Monday November 11, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – On the street with my baby Sony rushing from here to there.


On this day last year: Francesca’s party at the Frankies. Shot with my Monochrom and Noctilux lens.

Francesca's party
Francesca’s party
Family and friends Landscape Portrait

Sunday November 10, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK and HUTCHINSON RIVER PARKWAY – I shot out the window while driving earlier today at the worlds ugliest cell tower, which is located at the pit stop on the Hutch. Then back home with Laura, Alexander and baby Victoria. I freshened up my collection of images of our granddaughter with my Leica S2 medium format camera.

Pit stop
Pit stop

On this day last year: Hay.

Luke Tanner's Hay
Luke Tanner’s Hay

Saturday November 9, 2013

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Here are three “prints” of the same image taken with my Leica S2 medium format camera. The first version is as it comes from the camera, that is in fairly attractive color. The second is how I saw it when I shot it. Not literally in black and white but with the red leaves standing out as if they were brighter than the rest of the scene. And finally an alternative interpretation reading the read leaves as dark. I prefer the second version.

How I saw it
How I saw it
Another way of printing it
Another way of printing it

On this day one year ago: Another look up.

59th Street
59th Street
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