Interior Landscape

Friday November 8, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – More images with the King (my Leica 35mm Summichron v IV lens). Taken with my Leica Monochrom.

Goof light day
Good light day
Bokeh king
Bokeh king

On this day last year: Reflected sky.

Landscape Urban

Thursday November 7, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Busy day of meeting. I need a compact camera kit so I’ve strapped my 35mm Summicron v.IV onto my Leica Monochrom. This lens is called the “Bokeh king” because of its attractive out of focus images. Here you go with some roses in the garden in front of St Barts on Park Avenue. By the way I’ve gotten a day or two behind my usual schedule for posting because of a quirky internet connection here. I’m working on it. By the way in editing this post I decided to toss in a few more images from around St. Barts (the church, not the island) – what the hell, let’s live it up.

Urban rose
Urban rose
St Barts
St Barts
St Barts
St Barts[/caption

On this day last year: Blizzard. A reminder that things can get nasty around here this time of year. When I searched this site for “Blizzard” I found more than a dozen images.

[caption id="attachment_9726" align="alignnone" width="450"]Blizzard Blizzard

Abstract Urban

Wednesday November 6, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Kind of a cool abstract visual, obviously on Lexington Avenue, taken with my little Sony. It took six or seven tries to get it to line up correctly.

avenue between
avenue between

On this day one year ago: Election day 2012. So last year’s images was a shot of the TV with the news that Obama had won a second term. Who admits now to voting for him? The truth is that I did. The symbolism of his Presidency is important, but in fact this has turned out to be a seriously crappy administration, the worst in my lifetime. My sources deeply inside the beltway tell me that the President has become totally isolated, no one actually knows who is in his inner circle at this point, and he is effectively a lame duck. This has been a very long year, and there are three more to go. What a disaster. Here you go:

Obama wins
Obama wins

Tuesday November 5, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – We went to Brooklyn these evening; made dinner out of a Ruben Sandwich at Junior’s; and saw Julie Taymor’s production of Midsummer Night’s Dream at the Shakespear space at BAM. Priceless. Earlier in the day while hunting for topics for this site at put my lens up against a subway sidewalk grate and shot away. All with my Leica Monochrom.


On this day one year ago: big movie poster.

Big Movie Poster
Big Movie Poster

Monday November 4, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – As I said yesterday . . . back to a monochromatic world. Cab ride. Taken with my Leica Monochrom and 24mm Summilux lens.

Taxi ride
Taxi ride

On this day last year: Trees. Here’s some Autumn color without the color. Come on. Admit it. You like the splashy color ones better, don’t you.

Guy's Treasures
Guy’s Treasures

Sunday November 3, 2013

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Here’s a gallery of Fall color images. It’s Sunday so we’re going back to the city and by the time we’re back here next weekend the leaves will be gone. So with any luck you won’t have to put up with oranges, yellows and reds much longer. Fall is almost over. I promise to get back into my monochromatic groove once the weather turns ugly. All images with my Leica S2 medium format camera and a 70mm or 24mm lens. This thing is irresistible this time of year.

Fall color
Fall color
Fall color
Fall color
Fall color
Fall color
Fall color
Fall color
Fall color
Fall color
Fall color
Fall color

On this day last year: Terry Tanner’s corn field.

Corn stubble
Corn stubble

Saturday November 2, 2013

WARREN CONNECTICUT – More Autumn color . . . in color. Taken with my Leica S2 medium format camera and 24mm lens.

Autumn Color
Autumn Color

Something to relieve the color boredom: another experiment with the document scanner app on my iPhone:


On this day one year ago: Bathroom.

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