Interior Still Life

Monday December 9, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – More old lenses. Today I’m experimenting with a 5cm Nikkor-S (Contax mount) f1.4 with a Contax to Leica adapter that I found on ebay (the focusing helicoid for the Contax was on the body, not the lens, so this is a complex adapter). This lens, which is from the mid-1950s, does much better at close focus than infinity, where there is all kinds of junk going on in the corners. Here are two samples on taken with my Monochrom. This lens has a lovely signature in an intimate setting.

A second old lens: an 8.5 cm f2.0 Carl Zeiss Jena Sonnar from 1937, also in Contax mount with a modern copy of the adapter referred to above. The mount had a slight ding which caused serious hassles fitting it to the adapter. After fussing with it on and off for a couple of months I finally got it working this week. The focus cam is not correct for Leica so the rangefinder is only accurate at close focus (1.15 m) but is extremely accurate there. This with an M so I could use the EVF to focus and converted to black and white. This is a sensational, charismatic lens, especially given that it is 75 years old. I’ll be doing more work with it.

The Nikkor from the Mad Men era:

Lens test
Lens test
Lens test
Lens test

The Sonnar from pre-War Germany – not a great image – I’m trying to figure out what this lens can do.

Lens test
Lens test

On this day one year ago: White House.

White House
White House


Sunday December 8, 2013

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Reflection captured with my Leica Monochrom.

On this day one year ago: Fog.



Saturday December 7, 2013

WARREN CONNECTICUT – This is Pearl Harbor Day. I wasted a few hours refreshing my knowledge of the Pacific war. In Marine officers Basic School in Quantico the Pacific campaign was (and is) taught island by island but my knowledge has gotten rusty so I did a self-guided refresher. Here’s a remarkable YouTube video of the landing on Tarawa, the Marines’ first opposed landing in the Pacific with terrible losses and important lessons learned for the rest of the campaign. Names like Tarawa, Guadalcanal and Iwo Jima resonate deeply with me.

Anyway here’s a picture of our house here. Six frames stitched taken with my Leica Monochrom and a 35mm Summicron Asph. lens.


On this day one year ago: FAO Schwartz.

FAO Schwartz
FAO Schwartz

Landscape Still Life Urban

Friday December 6, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Another rainy day. I spent some time this morning at Thornwillow Press’s shop at the St. Regis ordering Christmas presents for various family members, an experience captured with my Leica Monochrom and 50mm Luxochron lens. Later I took in the crowds at Rockefeller Center in the rain, again with the Monochrom but with my 24mm Summilux lens.
Thornwillow Press
Thornwillow Press
Rockefeller Center Tree
Rockefeller Center Tree

On this day last year: glassware.


Landscape Urban

Thursday December 5, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Today is a tale of a 75 year old lens, a 1937 85mm f2.0 Carl Zeiss Jena Sonnar. After some significant effort I have finally gotten it to work on my Leica M bodies. Here it is with the statue of Sherman on the Plaza. I’m struggling slightly trying to master this lens (everything is backward on it) so I also shot fog our our window with a conventional Leica 21mm lens to make sure that I got a shot for the day.

On this day last year: 919 Third Avenue.

919 Third Avenue
919 Third Avenue

Family and friends Portrait

Wednesday December 4, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – We gave a dinner party for a young couple who we and our children are close to. The guests of honor called in sick at the last minute so we soldiered on with a family only party, sort of a Sunday family dinner, time shifted to today. I cooked a recipe that been running around the web for some time called the world’s best lasagna It’s good but I substituted my own frozen tomato sauce put up this summer out of the excesses of our garden, and of course made my own lasagna sheets. Baby V was in attendance at the dinner. Here she is:
Baby V
Baby V

On this day last year: .

School Bus
School Bus

Landscape Portrait

Tuesday December 3, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I had a case of shutterrhea today.

On this day last year: Broadway.


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