Landscape Urban

Monday November 25, 2013

NEW YORK NEW YORK – A couple of look ups with my Leica Monochrom and Leica 18mm Super=Elmar M lens.
Look up
Look up
Look up
Look up

On this day one year ago: Francesca and Basil.

Francesca and Basil
Francesca and Basil

Landscape Portrait

Sunday November 24, 2013

WARREN CONNECTICUT – More of Baby V. Shot with my Leica S2 and a speedlight.
Baby V
Baby V

On this day last year: Won’t these people ever leave Mustique? Selfie with the Monocrhom and Nocti.



Saturday November 23, 2013

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Laura, Alexander and Baby V joined us here for the weekend so you’re getting . . . a gallery of baby pictures. The first is with my Leica S2 medium format camera and 120 macro lens. Focus with the lens hunts like the devil in an application like this. It’s frustrating. I’m tempted to chuck the whole thing and buy a Nikon. The rest are with my Leica Monochrom and f.95 Noctilux lens. Remember that I have a love hate relationship with this lens.
Infanta Victoria
Infanta Victoria


Maria reads
Maria reads
Fussy moment
Fussy moment

On this day last year: Still on Mustique. Also taken with my Monochrom and Noctilux.


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