Landscape Urban

Friday May 16, 2014

NEW YORK NEW YORK – A day of running around on business and various errands. I tried shooting out of the windows of the various cabs that I took, while they were stopped or sufficiently slowed in traffic to permit decent image quality. As always shooting with my Leica Monochrom and 50mm Luxochron lens.

Day 1,674 of one picture every day for the rest of my life.

Upper East Side
Upper East Side

On this day last year (day 1.309): Elmhurst. Last year I was in this Taiwanese enclave in Queens.


Landscape Out my window Urban

Thursday May 15, 2014

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I shot out my window today with a long lens, a Leica R 280mm APO, adapted for my Leica M. It’s essentially perfect. I’ve converted the images for today into black and white. I almost never shoot long lenses – this is a rare exception.

Day 1,673 of one picture every day for the rest of my life.

Rare telephoto
Rare telephoto

On this day last year (day 1,308): No dogs. I generally avoid pets and babies, but here is an exception.


Landscape Urban

Wednesday May 14, 2014

NEW YORK NEW YORK – This is one of those days that I worry about. Am I phoning it in? Lip syncing? Engaged in a major self-deception. Alexander and I went to a Mets game at Citi Field, but my camera felt like a millstone. Forced a few shots. Ugh.

Day 1,672 of one picture every day for the rest of my life.

Park Avenue
Park Avenue
More Park Avenue
More Park Avenue

On this day two years ago (day 942): On the fringe of DC. Here’s a part of DC that doesn’t have a name. I had second thoughts after posting about using this iPhone image in color. Here I’ve done a different crop and converted to grayscale.


Landscape Urban

Tuesday May 13, 2014

NEW YORK NEW YORK – I have found myself stuck at home preparing for meetings and generally feeling dissatisfied with my lot. I shot a few images around the house – our apartment is full of tulips that we brought back from Connecticut yesterday. As usual, taken in black and white.

Day 1,671 of one picture every day for the rest of my life.


On this day three years ago (day 575): Conservatory Garden. I went back through the pictures for this day and found that I like the following one more than the picture that I posted.

Conservatory Garden
Conservatory Garden

Icon Landscape Urban

Monday May 12, 2014

NEW YORK NEW YORK – My itinerary today took my through Rockefeller Center twice. There are a lot of tourists here, mostly doing selfies in front of landmarks. It’s hard to imagine capturing an image here that hasn’t been done in precisely the same way many, many time before. But today I’ve tried despite the rain and high, bright sky.

Day 1,670 of one picture every day for the rest of my life.

30 Rock
30 Rock
Rockefeller Plaza
Rockefeller Plaza

On this day one year ago (day 1,305): Backlit house in Warren.


Garden Landscape

Sunday May 11, 2014

WARREN CONNECTICUT – At last. A sunny day. We’re in full Spring flower here, which I’m of course presenting in black and white. This hopefully mitigates the picture post card effect that is this season’s biggest risk.

Day 1,669 of one picture every day for the rest of my life.

Abandoned substation
Abandoned substation

On this day one year ago (day 1,304): It rained last year.


Garden Landscape

Saturday May 10, 2014

WARREN and WASHINGTON CONNECTICUT – We dropped in this evening to see our friend Barbara Robinson and to visit her rain-soaked garden, called Brush Hill. The first image below is looking up in our garden; the is from Barbara’s.

As you will see from the tiny red note below the date above this was posted on May 17. Yesterday this site was down for about four hours for maintenance and migration to a new, faster, server. This is a sign of success: the upgrade was in response to increases in traffic. We’re sorry for any inconvenience.

Day 1,668 of one picture every day for the rest of my life.

Another look up
Another look up
Barbara's garden
Barbara’s garden

On this day two years ago (day 938): Outside the ICP. Tree frames stitched.


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