Landscape Urban

Friday May 2, 2014

NEW YORK NEW YORK – An uninspiring day for uninspiring pictures. These seemed like a couple of “more of the same” images as I processed them, but up on the web they look ok to me. Who knows. Some of the images that I have felt the least conviction about have turned out to be widely like (and vice versa for sure).

Day 1,660 of one picture every day for the rest of my life.

One more of these
One more of these

On this day four years ago (day 199): Early morning through a 5″ Astro-Physics refracting telescope. Originally posted in color.

Early morning
Early morning

Landscape Urban

Thursday May 1, 2014

NEW YORK NEW YORK – More today on the theme Spring color in black and white. It’s hard not to respond to nature strutting its stuff in this urban environment. Doing it in black and white makes it a little less mundane. Taken with my f.95 Noctilux lens and an neutral density filter so I could shoot wide open. This gives me very narrow depth of field and the Nocti’s characteristic “bokeh” – the character of the out of focus parts of the image made by it.

Day 1,659 of one picture a day for the rest of my life.

Cherry Blossems
Cherry Blossems

On this day two years ago (day 929): Maria reviews her notes.


Events and holidays Family and friends Landscape Portrait Urban

Wednesday April 30, 2014

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Well, today is my birthday. I don’t like making a big deal of these anniversaries so we had a small family dinner out at Maialino, Danny Meyer’s displaced Roman Tratoria on Gramercy Park. I caught more tulips (i’ll soon get over this) in the rain, and then Alexander and Baby V at dinner. It was dark at Maialino so I brought my f.95 Noctilux and of course my Leica Monochrom.

Day 1,658 on one photo every day for the rest of my life.

More Spring
More Spring
Baby V and Alexander
Baby V and Alexander


On this day one year ago (day 1,293): Wiggly building.

Wiggly building
Wiggly building

Garden Icon Landscape

Tuesday April 29, 2014

NEW YORK NEW YORK – Spring is arriving. This is a tough time of year to photograph cityscapes around here. The city is flamboyantly in bloom. The street crud from the winter has been completely cleaned up. It’s hard to take a picture that doesn’t look like a cut in a White Flower Farm catalogue. Tedious. The temptation to shoot big flowering trees is irresistible. I’m fight this by sticking with black and white and using selective focus. Here are some tulips from the Park Avenue mall.

Day 1,657 on one picture every day for the rest of my life.


On this day four years ago (day 196): Chrysler Building with the UN Secretariat Building in the foreground. This was originally in color – I subsequently did a fairly aggressive black and white conversion, which I like much better.

Chrysler Building
Chrysler Building

Icon Landscape Urban

Monday April 28, 2014

NEW YORK NEW YORK – On the street (actually Lexington Avenue in the 40s) during the Manhattan golden hour. I’ve been pursuing the Chrysler Building for years. Here it is again. I found myself in Brooklyn this afternoon, at our daughter’s new apartment on Remsen Street. The view from her roof North.

Day 1,656 of one photo every day for the rest of my life.

Chrysler Building
Chrysler Building
Catching a smoke
Catching a smoke

On this day three years ago (day 560}: the view from Dewey Lebouf.

West 53rd Street
West 53rd Street

Garden Landscape Portrait

Sunday April 27, 2014

WARREN CONNECTICUT and NEW YORK NEW YORK – A tale of good light and not so good light today. There were 15 minutes of profoundly beautiful light this afternoon in Connecticut. It was fleeting, as the sun dodged in an out of clouds. I shot what was at hand, a large tree, a mundane subject hereabout, with my Leica Luxochron 50mm lens wide open to blur the background. I ended up stitching three frames. Then later in the evening a dinner parter for a friend of long standing (not pictured here). I only shoot with available light which at dinners is often poor for portraiture. Anyway, here you go.

Day 1,655 of one photo every day for the rest of my life.

Big Tree
Big Tree

On this day four years ago (day 194): Pen Gala.

Maria Campbell and William Cohan
Maria Campbell and William Cohan


Saturday April 26, 2014

WARREN CONNECTICUT – We seem to be vying with Seattle for the foggiest place in the known universe. Yes. It’s foggy today in Connecticut. And four years ago it was foggy on April 26 on Park Avenue. There are lots of pictures of fog that I could have posted today (both current and historical): these were just the best looking ones. All shot with my Leica Monochrom – the perfect camera for the weather.

Day 1,654 of one photo a day for the rest of my life.

Lake Waramaug
Lake Waramaug
Fire hydrant
Fire hydrant

On this day four years ago (day 193): More fog. Shot in color but but for the taxis who would know.

Park Avenue in the Fog
Park Avenue in the Fog

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