About 1 Photo Every Day

For over 15 years I have taken at least one photograph every day.  I post photographs to this site and to my social media feeds when I have time, typically a week or two after the image is captured. Postings here and to my social media feed are lumpy, but I do actually photograph every day, and I will continue this project for the rest of my life. Sometimes I get behind in posting (as long as a month behind) – posting is boring. I never get behind in photographing.

My subjects are varied – I seek some out and others just happen.  I didn’t intend this project to be diary, but it inevitably is.

For every day I include a look back to the same day in some past year – otherwise past images would be lost forever. On social media I post both current images and images looking back to the same day in earlier years, which is visually fine but can seem confusing.  I’m more selective in my social media posts.  I have over 100,000 followers in Instagram and X. 

My Instagram Feed

My X feed

My Facebook feed

My Linkedin feed

I started this project on October 16, 2009 and have posted a picture taken each day without a miss. This website is my primary tool for documenting this project.

Go to Woody’s Website


16 replies on “About 1 Photo Every Day”

While I think of it Woody and not being able to contact you via Insta or an available email address here… is there a chance you would be interested to come and talk about this on Photography Daily, the podcast? My kindest, Neale

I am very sorry I wore decades by mistake kindly execuse me sir , I wish you all the best in all upcoming projects ? it’s inspiring story for many fans with warm regards NamasKar

Dear woody sir Good morning , congrats that’s excellent sir to be a passionate visiotor I am very happy to visit thy treasure of tremendous beautiful Awasome photo collection of every day one photo of many decades it’s great passionate I heartly congratulate you and thy valuable commitment to world class passion wish you great success in coming sessions happy to be with you thanks warm regards sir vijay.birajdar5@gmail.com

Davvero interessante questo progetto condiviso con le persone di qualsiasi parte del mondo. In sintesi: passione, disciplina e amore per gli altri

Hi Woody, I’ve been following your blog for a while now and I think your work is just great! I didn’t realize though how very hard it is to do that simple “one photo a day” until I tried it myself. I started just two months ago a similar project called Eighty Miles a Day (www.Thecityinpictures.blogspot.com) and after only 70 days, I am starting to realize just how very hard it is. It makes me admire your work even more!! Thank you for the inspiration! Best regards, Virginia

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