Icon Street Urban

Thursday March 25, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – In the morning at Lever House on Park Avenue.

Lever House

-Woody's Picks Landscape Urban

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – I captured this lovely morning light out my window.

Out my window

-Woody's Picks Icon Landscape Urban

Tuesday March 23, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Back home.  Once again the weather is cold and wet.  This is my second try of a post for this date.  The first was a personal memorial for a 24-year-old woman who was evidently killed when her bicycle was hit by a car – it was moving in person but not a good photograph.  On March 26 I took it down and replaced it with this image, also taken on March 23, of the Chrysler Building from a long ways away (just north of the UN), which I think is more interesting.

Chrysler Building from the far East Side

-Woody's Picks Landscape Religion Urban

Monday March 22, 2010

NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA – A day on foot in New Orleans.  The French Quarter feels like a tourist trap – not much to photograph that hasn’t been done many, many times before.  Walked around the Garden District – there are still many Katrina-damaged houses and public buildings around the edges of the Garden District.  Again, this is an old (and mostly unfairly told) story so I skipped it.  I’ve settled on the following image (up to my old tricks) – Zion Lutheran Church on St. Charles Street.  This is a Missouri Synod church.  The congregation was founded in 1847 by German immigrants.  The present building dates to 1871.  Its gothic architecture bears a relationship to the churches that I’ve been photographing in Connecticut, which is what attracted me to it.

Food and wine Street

Sunday, March 21, 2010

NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA – A long day of food related activities, mostly outdoors.  Unseasonably low temperatures and heavy overcast skies generally made photography unpleasant.  This is from a breakfast of beignets and cappuccino at Cafe’ Beignet in the French Quarter.  Continued a self-quided beignet tour at the more famous Cafe du Monde but the crowds were appalling and the light very poor.

Cafe' Beignet

Food and wine Portrait

Saturday March 20, 2010

NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA –  Lunch at the Parkway Bakery and Tavern in New Orleans.  Known for outstanding po’boy sandwiches – the fried oyster po’boy is heavenly.  Thanks to Dickie Brennan for bringing me to this icon.  This is Jay Nix, the owner.  Here is a podcast featuring Jay:  Jay Nix podcast

Parkway Bakery and Tavern

Icon Landscape Urban

Friday March 19, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Tom Sach’s statue Hello Kitty in the sculpture garden at Lever House.  Hello Kitty is a Japanese toy character owned by Sanrio.  Here’s a link: Sanrio

Tom Sach’s Hello Kitty

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