Landscape Out my window

Friday February 5, 2010

WARREN, CONNECTICUT – I waited all day for the blizzard that the weather forecast had promised.  No luck.  By 10:00 PM still no picture.  We had driven up to Connecticut so I took this time exposure in the dark.

Warren Connecticut
-Woody's Picks Landscape Street Urban

Thursday February 4, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Lexington Avenue.

Lexington Avenue
Landscape Out my window Urban

Wednesday February 3, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Out my window after a light snow fall.

1435 Lexington Avenue
Landscape Out my window Urban

Tuesday February 2, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – This morning there was a lovely sunrise but I was rushing to a breakfast meeting. I had the same infrared kit with me that had worked so well on Monday. When stepped out onto the street after the meeting it was heavily overcast – a disaster, or at least not what I was looking for. After struggling all day to find a potential image that interested me it started to snow and I got this out our window.  The Triborough Bridge at night.

Triborough Bridge
-Woody's Picks Icon Infrared Landscape Urban

Monday February 1, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – A perfect winter day.  I spent a good part of the day in the 30s and 40s in Manhattan with my Leica M8 and infrared filters.  This was an opportunity to stalk one of my favorite subjects:  the Chrylser Building.  A very productive day with some interesting experiments with out of focus images.  I’ve taken the liberty of posting two outtakes in a comment.

Chrysler Building
Infrared Landscape Out my window

Sunday January 31, 2010

WARREN, CONNECTICUT – From this morning’s walk.  Shot in infrared.  I mistakenly deleted the file that I originally posted.  When I went to upload it again I had second thoughts and posted a different image from the same walk.

Warren Connecticut
-Woody's Picks Infrared Landscape

Saturday January 30, 2010

WARREN, CONNECTICUT – After a snowfall.  This is shot in infrared and stitched from four separate exposures.

Warren, after a snowfall
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