NEW YORK, NEW YORK – This from an errand to Jean Silversmith, a shop on West 45th Street that has and fixes anything in the way of silver service that you can image.
Author: Woody
Wednesday March 10, 2010
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – A quiet day at home catching up on emails and work. This is a frame from a failed technical experiment.
Tuesday March 9, 2010
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Back home I took a walk in Times Square at sunset.  Times Square has lost its scruffy, sleazy vibe.  It’s now more like a cross between a Disney attraction and a corporate logo theme park.
Monday March 8, 2010
PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA – A thoroughly bad day for landscape photography.  Up at 5:00 AM to drive to Palm Springs to catch an 8:00 flight to New York.  All air traffic had ground to a halt because of the previous days bad weather and a heavy ground fog.  Almost four hours of delay.  We finally arrived in New York in the dark.
Here’s our departure gate in Palm Springs, waiting for an airplane.
Sunday March 7, 2010
JOSHUA TREE NATIONAL PARK – The hoped for rain turned into sleet, then snow at Joshua Tree.
JOSHUA TREE NATIONAL PARK – A poor day for photography with a high, bright, partially overcast sky.  Hoping for rain tomorrow.
Friday March 5, 2010
JOSHUA TREE NATIONAL PARK – My old stomping ground at sunset.