NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Infrared just East of Third Avenue.
Author: Woody
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Another day shooting infrared. Â This time shopping on Fifth Avenue.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Back in my comfort zone: midtown Manhattan on a clear, sunny morning shooting infrared. A half dozen of my out takes are better than anything else that I’ve done this week.
BROOKLYN, NEW YORK – I drove to Brooklyn Heights this afternoon to drop a print off with a friend and client. While there I retraced my steps from last week but this time shot infrared as is my style in capturing icons. (Shooting with a Leica M8.2 which is suffers from infrared sensitivity, but this is an advantage if you are shooting with an infrared filter.)
This is my two month anniversary of this blog.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Party at the Four Seasons Restaurant.
Sunday December 13, 2009
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Our drive from Connecticut to New York was one of the worst ever – torrential freezing rain. Â A normally two hour trip took three and a half hours. Â We arrived tired and out of sorts, not really in a state of mind to photograph. Â Here’s dinner with a friend at a local bistro.
Saturday December 12, 2009
WARREN, CONNECTICUT – Up before sunrise on a very cold day.