Author: Woody
Tuesday December 8, 2009
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Today I worked on a long-running project – photographing iconic structures.  I’ve been putting off the Brooklyn Bridge for some time – John Roebling’s masterpiece is a truly intimidating subject.  The light was dull so this is not a day for great art, but for exploring angles and pedestrian approaches in a part of Manhattan that is dominated by on and off ramps.  The plan as always is to sneak up on on the icon, rather than confront it frontally.  I plan on exploring the Brooklyn side later in the week.  If we have a decent sunrise or sunset in the next week I’ll try it in infrared.
Sunday December 6, 2009
Saturday December 5, 2009
WARREN, CONNECTICUT – We’re having our first snow storm of the season.  We’re on a high point, a few hundred feet above Lake Waramaug.  The difference in elevation is enough that we have much more snow over the winter season than the lake.  There are many, many more churches to photograph in Litchfield County but I felt that I should give you a break.