Architecture Art Landscape Urban

Gallery of Havana images

Here’s a gallery of images from our recent trip to Cuba. 

Architecture Culture Landscape

Tuesday May 7, 2019

MANHATTAN – I spent a few hours on the West Side today, running errands. Here’s the Museum of Natural History.

Day 3491 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Museum of Natural History

On this day nine years ago (day 204 of one photograph every day): From the High Line.

From the High Line

Architecture Landscape

Friday May 3, 2019

BANTAM CONNECTICUT – Out the back door of Arathusa with my tiny Ricoh GRD V.

Day 3487 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Bantam Connecticut

On this date four years ago (day 2026): Central Park.

Central Park

Architecture Landscape Urban

Friday March 29, 2019

MANHATTAN – One of those light gray days, with a high, bright overcast sky. I thrive with shadows so this wasn’t my kind of day.

Day 3452 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Look up

On this date five years ago (day 1626 of one photo every day): Amsterdam.

Rijksmuseum library

Architecture Icon Landscape

Wednesday February 20, 2019

MANHATTAN – Remarkably bad weather today; wind-driven slush falling from the sky. This is pneumonia weather.

Day 3415 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Bad Weather

On this date seven years ago (day 858 of one photo every day): Bocca Grande.

Boca Grande

Architecture Icon Landscape

Tuesday February 19, 2019

MANHATTAN – Alexander and I went to New Jersey today to buy a car. Here we are crossing the George Washington Bridge.

Day 3414 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

George Washington Bridge

On this date nine years ago (day 127 of one photo every day): Pinhole image.

Pinhole image


Monday January 21, 2019

WARREN CONNECTICUT – We were frozen out of the great outdoors today.

Day 3385 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Steel chandelier

On this date four years ago (day 1924 of one photo every day): Book festival.

Book festival

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