Culture Events and holidays Landscape Urban

Saturday September 29, 2018

LONDON – We took the underground to Greenwich to attend a dance event sponsored by a local gallery. Shot with my Leica M10-P.

Day 3271 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

London greenmarket
From Greenwich
Dance event, Greenwich
Francesca and Number 93

On this date eight years ago (day 349 of one photograph every day): Brooklyn New York.

Class picture, Brooklyn


Monday August 13, 2018

MANHATTAN – I made a pilgrimage to The Cloisters, a branch of the Metropolitan Museum in upper Manhattan today. It’s most famous for its Unicorn Tapestries but I actually trekked here to catch up with the Northern outpost of a Met show on Catholicism and fashion. Sorry for the big post – I was busy for a change.

Day 3224 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

The Cloisters
The Cloisters
The Cloisters
The Cloisters
The Cloisters

On this date six years ago (day 1033 of one photograph every day): Basil shakes it out

Basil shakes it off
Basil shakes it off

Culture Landscape

Tuesday July 10, 2018

SEGGIANO ITALY – A six pack of images today from the Daniel Spoerri Gardens here – Maria is in all but one of them.

Day 3190 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

The Sculpture Garden of Daniel Spoerri, Seggiano Tuscany
The Sculpture Garden of Daniel Spoerri, Seggiano Tuscany
The Sculpture Garden of Daniel Spoerri, Seggiano Tuscany
The Sculpture Garden of Daniel Spoerri, Seggiano Tuscany
The Sculpture Garden of Daniel Spoerri, Seggiano Tuscany
The Sculpture Garden of Daniel Spoerri, Seggiano Tuscany

On this date five years ago (day 1364 of one photograph every day): Venice Biennale

Biannale I
Biannale I

Culture Landscape Travel

Monday July 2, 2018

CAPRI ITALY – Another day spent foraging for photos.

Day 3182 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Sculpture Capri
Diving is forbidden

On this date five years ago (day 1356 of one photo every day): The Dolomites.

On this day three years ago day 1356
Dolomite vista


Thursday June 14, 2018

MANHATTAN – There are relatively new sculpture installations on the Park Avenue Mall – I actually haven’t been able to find anything out about them on line. This in front of the Armory, shot with my black and white Sony and an 18mm Batis lens.

Day 3164 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.

Sculpture Park Avenue Mall
Sculpture Park Avenue Mall

On this date three years ago (day 2068 of one photo every day): Our Garden

Our Garden

Culture Landscape

Wednesday April 18, 2018

MANHATTAN – I spent a few hours chilling in Bryant Park today, spend the better part of the time watching some Frenchmen playing pétanque.

Day 3`07 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.


On this day two years ago (day 2377 of one photograph every day): WTC II

Day 2377 9f 9he photograph every day for the rest of my life.
World Trade Center II

Culture Interior

Tuesday April 3, 2018

MANHATTAN – A rushing around day. Caught this with my phone in the entry to my Pilates class. There’s coffee everywhere.

Day 3092 of one photograph every day for the rest of my life.


On this day last year (day 2727 of one photo every day): Really wide. Shooting with a 10mm lens on my full frame Leica Monochrom.

Really wide

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