Family and friends Garden Landscape

Saturday July 20, 2013

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Another day out with the big guy, my Leica S2. From around our place in Warren, the second smallest town in Connecticut. Sorry for the dog.
Basil jogs
Basil jogs
Day Lilies
Day Lilies

On this day last year: My first shots with a Leica Monochrom. This really works for me.



Friday July 19, 2013

WARREN CONNECTICUT – We’ve done a good job this week of getting to Connecticut on Thursday night. I’ve decided this weekend to give the Leica Monochrom a rest and pack my medium format Leica S. Here are a couple of non-revolutionary images. I need to spend more time out seeing with this camera.
More Yawn
More Yawn

On this day last year: Boiler room.

Boiler room
Boiler room

Food and wine Garden Landscape

Sunday July 7, 2013

TODI – Another good day for photography here. The only sunflower in Umbria (they are late blooming this year); road signs; a cemetery; Malaysian junk food; and our host in Todi. All taken with my Leica Monochrom and 50mm lens.
The only sunflower
The only sunflower
Squid snacks
Squid snacks

On this day last year: Sunset out my window.

Out my window
Out my window

Garden Landscape

Sunday June 9, 2013

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Back here for the day. I shot some hosta with my Leica M, which unlike my Monochrom actually shoots in color. I made two versions of this image: one converted to black and white and one in color. This pretty conclusively proves that I see in black and white better than color.

On this day last year: On the lake.

Sunset on Lake Waramaug
Sunset on Lake Waramaug

Garden Landscape

Friday May 24, 2013

WARREN CONNECTICUT – The conversations around here today were about people’s bad drive – the Saw Mill Parkway was closed because of flooding from torrential rains. Build an ark. Today is midway through what turned out to be three days of steady, heavy downpour. Demotivating to a guy who likes blue skies and puffy clouds. I’m going to push a bit on the technical side this weekend, so watch out for gimmicks. Today I tried to cut the gloom by using on-camera flash for landscape with my Leica M and Leica S, shooting for either very wide or very narrow depth of focus. Here are some example:
Out our front door
Out our front door
Foundation planting
Foundation planting

On this day last year: Why did I take this? Allow me a moment of public self-flagellation. Why on earth did I take this? I guess every year needs a worst picture but this looks like I was out to establish a low point.


Garden Landscape Minatures

Friday May 17 2013

WARREN CONNECTICUT – We drove up to Connecticut this morning. Next week is the end of the busiest season of the year in my law practice so this weekend requires some intense preparation. We also have prep work for a dinner on Saturday for two college classmates who are visiting. Once again my visual life is being crowded.

Here’s a hosta (Spring at last!) taken with my Leica S and 120mm macro lens.


On this day last year: Francesca graduates from law school. I’ve edited this image since last year, moving Francesca to a place in the image that I prefer.

Francesca Graduates
Francesca Graduates

Garden Landscape

Sunday May 5, 2013

WARREN CONNECTICUT – Over the years we’ve developed a park-like area to the East of our house here, systematically clearing out underbrush and encouraging grass and ferns, and emphasizing the large, mature red and white oaks and sugar maples. In early spring the oaks have clusters of small light green flowers that look like nothing and shed pollen like the devil. Visually they lend a light green haze to the landscape – one of my favorite times of the year. Here you go, photographed with my Leica S medium format camera and a 24mm super wide angle lens.

On this day one year ago: Breakfast.


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