WARREN, CONNECTICUT – We spent most of the day in Woodbury Connecticut fighting local traffic and running from one antique store to the next. Not a lot of terrific photo opportunities – the bright overcast produced flat, unattractive, light. We returned to Warren in the late afternoon and I captured this of a bush rose.
WARREN, CONNECTICUT – Another gray, rainy day. But at the end of the day something amazing happened. Just as the sun set it briefly broke through the clouds. It was as if the landscape had been bathed in a red spotlight – one of those “It’s remarkable to be alive” moments.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Another sunny spring day. It’s hard to convey (or for that matter to feel) any angst, even on tax day. This is a postcard but it’s hard to resist taking images like this. This is Park Avenue living up to its name.
WARREN CONNECTICUT – So now it’s really spring. Not much going on here from a photographic standpoint. Flowering trees seem to rob my work of its vitality. I’ve rented a Nikon and a few lenses as an experiment. I don’t care for the “jittery” quality of the out of focus portions of the image.
WARREN, CONNECTICUT – Forsythia, the earliest blooming shrub in this part of Connecticut. The earliest bloomer of all is the crocus which doesn’t do that well for us because chipmunks like them.