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Thursday August 5, 2010

PARATY, BRAZIL – We’re in Paraty to attend the most important annual literary festival in Brazil: FLIP. The real reason we’re here is to catch up with our old friend Luiz and Lili Schwarcz – Luiz heads Companhia das Letras, a prominent Brazilian publishing house. Here’s a link to Companhia’s blog, which has a piece on the first FLIP (in Portuguese, but you can use one of the “translate this page” services if your Portuguese is rusty): Companhia das Letras blog. Luiz launched the first four titles in a Companhia – Penguin joint venture today – here is Salman Rushdie and his son at the launch event.

Nikon D700

Icon Landscape Urban

Tuesday July 20, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – I walked back through Central Park from lunch on 59th Street with a friend. It was absolutely late-July frying hot. Here’s The Mall (sometimes called Poets’ Walk).
Poets' Walk

Leica M9 with 28mm Summicron lens.

Icon Landscape Monuments Urban

Thursday July 15, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Had lunch with an old friend at Savoy on Prince Street. Here’s a link: Savoy. We had heard that Savoy has a fabulous burger, which turned out to be true. The patty was perfect aged, grass fed beef, not overworked; the brioche bun was just right; it was cooked to perfection. After lunch I spent an hour in Washington Square exploring some of the same themes that I explored in Ecuador.
Washington Square

Leica M9 with 28mm Summicron lens.

Icon Landscape Urban

Tuesday July 6, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – A truly beastly day. We’re suffering under a record heat wave in the Northeast. I sought refuge in the shade of the plaza of Lever House and shot passers by against the backdrop of Hello Kitty. Not a good day to be outdoors.

Leica M9 with 28mm Summicon lens.

Culture Food and wine Icon

Saturday July 3, 2010

NEW MILFORD CONNECTICUT – I went to Clamps, a roadside burger stand on route 202, for a burger for lunch, arriving just before the 2:00 PM closing, in time to place an order.  By the time that I got my wits together to reach for camera the closed sign had gone up.

Clamps is a dying breed: a roadside hamburger stand that’s seasonal, has limited hours and isn’t part of a chain.  The following is from Roadfood:  “The business card of Clamp’s Hamburger stand says, NO SIGN, NO ADDRESS, NO PHONE, JUST GOOD FOOD. In fact, there is a sign about the size of a license plate on the side of the wood-frame hut: “Clamp’s Est. 1939.” Despite the lack of a billboard and a street address, you will have no trouble finding this place because there are cars and people crowded around any time it’s open … which is late April to early September every day from 11am to 2pm and from 5pm to 8pm.

“Edwin and Sylvia Clamp started the business sixty-six years ago, and now their great-nephew, Tom Mendell, is the boss. Tom told us that since 1939 Clamp’s has never advertised and never had a phone (and therefore was never in the phone book), and while it did have a prominent sign, when the sign blew down in a windstorm back in the 1960s, it was not replaced.”


Icon Landscape Urban

Thursday June 17, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Midday found me in midtown on my way to a lunch date. Here’s one of my favorite spots, the plaza in front of the Seagram Building.
Seagram Building New York

Leica M9 and 35mm Summicron Asph.

Icon Landscape Street Urban

Monday June 14, 2010

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Back home. The Lipstick building.
Lipstick building

Leica M9 and 35mm Summicron Asph.

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