NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Citicorp Center from Lexington Avenue.
Category: Icon
WASHINGTON, D.C. – In Washington for a food policy conference. I spent the morning exploring the Lincoln Memorial end of the Mall, including an emotional hour at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Captured in infrared.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Madison Square at night.
Monday February 8, 2010
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Back to a favorite subject: New York in infrared. There were many interesting images from today. Here’s a sample.
Monday February 1, 2010
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – A perfect winter day. I spent a good part of the day in the 30s and 40s in Manhattan with my Leica M8 and infrared filters. This was an opportunity to stalk one of my favorite subjects: the Chrylser Building. A very productive day with some interesting experiments with out of focus images. I’ve taken the liberty of posting two outtakes in a comment.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Here we are stalking the Empire State Building. This fits into my ongoing project of photographing iconic places and things, trying to capture the surprise of coming upon them for the first time. Click on Landscape Galleries on the right and then the “Manhattan I” gallery for more examples of stalking the Empire State and Chrysler buildings.
BROOKLYN, NEW YORK – I drove to Brooklyn Heights this afternoon to drop a print off with a friend and client. While there I retraced my steps from last week but this time shot infrared as is my style in capturing icons. (Shooting with a Leica M8.2 which is suffers from infrared sensitivity, but this is an advantage if you are shooting with an infrared filter.)
This is my two month anniversary of this blog.