Day 1,580 without a break of at least one photo a day every day for the rest of my life.

On this day last year: Fog. Yeah, another “fog” but this one is really elegant. A favorite.
Day 1,580 without a break of at least one photo a day every day for the rest of my life.
On this day last year: Fog. Yeah, another “fog” but this one is really elegant. A favorite.
Day 1,545 of one photograph a day for the rest of my life.
On this day last year: Sunset in Santa Monica.
This with my Leica Monchrom and Luxochron lens in Grand Central Terminal. A very common view but uncommon light – my best to date in GCT. Later in the day on New Haven Green.
On this day last year: Nespresso Store. One my favorites from last year.
On this day last year: ground fog.
On this day last year: Monda Party.
On this day one year ago: gas station.
On this day last year: Bermuda.