NEW YORK NEW YORK – You may remember that a couple of weeks back I suffered a monumental toothache, which caused me to reconsider my photo equipment for days when I’m sick or otherwise out of it. This blog project requires that I take at least one credible photograph every day for the rest of my life, even when I don’t feel like it. The Leica M style camera that i shoot with most of the time is too demanding in terms of concentration and being in the visual moment for those really bad days. So I’m spending the week with my Sony RX 100 Mk II. It has the advantage in a social or professional setting of being more conventional looking – less geeky and eccentric – than my Leica gear. It’s very, very good in terms of image quality, focus speed and accuracy and high ISO performance. It may even have a little bit of mojo. I’ve set it up as a “dummy camera” – fully automatic. I’m going to shoot with it all week to see what happens.
Fully automatic this camera’s default shutter speed settings in low light situations are a stop or two too low for me, giving me a bit of camera movement when shooting very quickly or offhand. Using this thing is actually going to take some practice. It raises the question of how I feel about interesting images that aren’t technically perfect. There may be a few of these, starting with the image below taken in Grand Central Terminal.
NEW YORK NEW YORK – This evening we had dinner at the Four Seasons Restaurant, the Philip Johnson – Meis van der Rohe masterpiece near our office.
Here I am in the bathroom with its remarkable paneling; Google has not helped me identify to species of wood. Taken with my iPhone. Also a “look up” later in the evening taken with my Leica M.
NEW YORK NEW YORK – Well . . . here we are another year past 9/11. I was sitting at my desk in midtown in a corner office with a southwest view that included the Chrysler Building, the Empire State Building and the World Trade Center towers. I turned and saw: smoke pouring out of one of the towers, the second plane hit, and both towers collapse. Our son, Alexander, was working downtown and was one of the people how sought refuge in a building lobby as the streets were engulfed in asbestos-laced dust. It was hours before we made contact with him.
Traffic is a total snarl today. I stayed in midtown near my office photographing a new installation at Lever House with my Leica Monochrom and Luxxochron. Actually, this isn’t a completed installation, just the construction of some new walls to display a new installation, but who would know.
PARIS – A day of tourism. All shot with my Leica Monochrom and 50mm Summichron Asph. lens. I’ve edited post to add three more images to an already overburdened day, three images taken with my iPhone as Bob and I sampled a very, very good burger at Paris New York, an excellent burger joint (really) in Strasbourg-St Denis (a changing neighborhood in Paris that’s still mid-cycle).
Street sign IStreet sign IIThe Tiepolo didn’t quite fitView from on highLa MadeleineParis New YorkParis New YorkParis New York
On this day last year: Test. Testing focus on my then “new” Leica M4 (film!):
VENICE – Day two at the Biannale. I did’t even consider breakfast at the Gritti so I foraged for a cafe near the Arsinale for some coffee and a pastry. For the Biannale the Arsinale has been divided into large museum-like rooms. Really interesting. So I spent the morning and early afternoon at the Arsenale, walked to the rail station (all of the way across Venice but actually not very far with Google maps guiding me in a straight line through the maze of winding streets and canals) and took the train back to Milan in time for a dinner party given by some friends. Some obligatory shots of Venice and then the Arsenale, all with my Leica Monochrom and 50mm Asph. lens.
Tourists were lined up 10 deep to photograph the Bridge of Sighs every time I passed it. This goes in my icons collection.
The Doge’s Palace and the Bridge of SighsThe ArsenaleObsessive ComplusiveR CrumbJunk collectionReally obsessiveInteresting
NEW YORK NEW YORK – I met a friend for lunch at the Racquet Club, got a haircut and then found myself wandering in midtown in good light. First a puzzle, then the answer, then a reflection. All with my Leica M and 28mm PC lens.
Hmmm . . .The AnswerReflection
NEW YORK NEW YORK – I went to a benefit tonight in Grand Central Terminal. This is still the best interior space in New York. Didn’t get much at the party but saw this on my way to the subway afterwards. Taken with my Leica Monochrom and 1958 Dual Range Summicron lens.
Grand Central at night