NEW YORK, NEW YORK – A dreary morning for weather. I decided to use the opportunity to reorganize our kitchen, which is where I spend most of my time when I’m not at the office or looking for interesting light. Leica M9 and Wide Angle Tri Elmar.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – A dreary morning for weather. I decided to use the opportunity to reorganize our kitchen, which is where I spend most of my time when I’m not at the office or looking for interesting light. Leica M9 and Wide Angle Tri Elmar.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – I went to Morningside Heights today to meet my daughter for lunch (she’s a student at Columbia Law School). It was pouring rain. I arrived a bit early and ducked into the Episcopal Cathedral of St. John the Divine. A really interesting subject – I’ll be back in better light. Here’s a link to St. John the Divine; here’s a Wikipedia link St. John the Unfinished. Construction continues on this vast structure, which was started in 1892.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – I met a friend at the Oyster Bar in Grand Central for lunch – he’s a restaurant reviewer and his mission was to determine whether the Oyster Bar still has its mojo. Well, the Oyster Bar is about the oysters. There were 28 varieties on the menu so we ordered two of each variety: 28 oysters for each guy. Fair warning to our wives. A fabulous lunch. I was too preoccupied with slurping to photograph so I caught this image in Grand Central after lunch.
Leica M9 and 24mm Summilux lens. Stitched from three frames.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – I dropped the car off at our garage after driving back from Connecticut. That’s me, and our Norwich Terrier Basil, in the mirror. I’ve vowed never to post a picture of Basil on my blog (remember all of those pitiful posts on online photo forums to the effect: “Here is my cat Midas shot with my Nikon SuperUltra 9700 – you can see every whisker) but this seemed to be a reasonable exception.
Leica M9 with 35mm Summilux lens
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – I attended a wine dinner with a dozen or so friends.  We sampled a half dozen vintages of Château Pichon Longueville Baron, a so-called super second.  One of our guests was Jean-Rene Matignon, the winemaker at Pichon Baron.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Disaster strikes! My blog goes down. We diagnosed the problem and had it running again by the end of the day. I apologize for any inconvenience. The fix requires editing the links to the photograph in every post. For now only the most recent posts are live; we’ll bring the others up to date over the weekend. This has presented an opportunity to apply what we’ve learned over the last six months on topics like indices and keywords and search engine optimization. We plan on relaunching the galleries feature. Things may run a little slowly until we finish the update process on Sunday.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Most Fridays I have lunch with my son Alexander, usually at Sidecar, upstairs from PJ Clarke’s. Â Today I was carrying a camera.