-Woody's Picks Landscape Religion Small town

Saturday November 7, 2009

NEW PRESTON, CONNECTICUT – I’ve decided to photograph all of the churches in Litchfield County, Connecticut, very much working in the shadow of Walker Evans.  The approach is frontal.  You can see a similar esthetic in the “Small Town” images on my landscape gallery, and for that matter in 30 Rock taken on November 6.  This is one of two Congregational churches in New Preston that serve the same parish (the other is the Stone Church). Captured at sunrise.
20091108-L1000416-1 Panorama

Icon Infrared Landscape Urban

Friday November 6, 2009

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – We had a lovely, clear late fall day today – unseasonably warm.  This another installment in a long-term project:  shooting iconic places.  The challenge is to get past trite.  This image is shot in infrared, which I use often in Manhattan.  The image of 30 Rock may not be my best image of the day.  One of the most difficult challenges in posting every day is self-editing under time pressure.  It’s easy enough to find the three best, or the many non-keepers.  But the final choice is difficult because it’s hard to sort out what the criteria are.  For example, is there a narrative?  Is it a problem to have churches on three consecutive days.  Anyway, here’s 30 Rockefeller Plaza.

20091106-L1011607 Panorama

Icon Landscape Urban

Friday October 30, 2009

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – More work on icons, in this case the Chrysler Building at night.  It turns out that this is a little early in the winter to shoot Manhattan at night.  It looks best after the end of daylight savings time – it gets dark an hour earlier – so people are in their offices with their lights on.

The Chrysler Building
The Chrysler Building
Icon Landscape Urban

Thursday October 29, 2009

I have a large ongoing project working with the problems of photographing iconic places.  Go to Google Earth – this spot in Manhattan has hundreds of blue squares – images uploaded by Google Earth users.  Sometimes point of view helps.  I have better and worse days – the image a day discipline has its downsides.

The Fifth Avenue Apple Store
The Fifth Avenue Apple Store
-Woody's Picks Landscape Small town

Saturday October 24, 2009

DRAIN, OREGON – We left the Oregon coast early, driving back up the Umpqua River.  The light was beautiful at about 10:00 so I stopped and photographed.  Another small town:  Drain, Oregon.  No kidding on the name.   Dale Allyn informed me that his dad was at one point the oldest living resident of Drain; that Drain, Oregon is the only town named Drain in North America; and that it’s named after Charles and Anna Drain, not the lowest point in a bathtub.

This is the Pacific Gateway Medical Clinic.

Drain, Oregon
Pacific Gateway Medical Clinic
Infrared Landscape Small town

Friday October 23, 2009

GOLD BEACH, OREGON – We spent October 23 here in Gold Beach, Oregon. The weather was terrible; the visibility on the beach was near zero. I spent a wet day in town taming infrared images of buildings.  This is part of a long-term project that i’m working on: small Western towns photographed in the shadow of Edward Weston; the use of infrared technique creates as sense of abstraction and other worldliness.

Curry County Courthouse, Gold Beach, Oregon
Curry County Courthouse, Gold Beach, Oregon

Thursday October 22, 2009

BANDON BEACH, OREGON – Once again on the beach at Bandon.  This time at sunrise.

Bandon Oregon sunrise
Bandon Oregon sunrise
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